PEACEFUL VALLEY LODGE American Mountaineering Academy COLORADO Postcard PV Liver

Postcard image has a view of the lodge buildings way down in the valley surrounded by lots of evergreen trees on the mountains.

ON THE BACK: "Home of Circle PV Livery and American Mountaineering Academy, 31 miles northwest of Boulder Colorado, 16 room Swiss Chalet style main lodge and 11 cabins, excellent cuisine, horseback riding, pack trips, steak fries, mountain climbing, hiking, rock and ice climbing instruction, fishing,square dancing, children's program, year around facilities for conferences, retreats, small conventions, and other swpeaicl group events.  Kindly inquire of Karl E. Boehm, Peaceful Valley Lodge, via Lyons, Colorado."
TYPE:  Standard / Chrome 
STYLE:  Divided Back
LOCATION: Lyons, Colorado
PUBLISHER/MARKED: Dick Hufnagle Photography

POSTMARK: None, Not Mailed
CONDITION:  Unused with no writing, stamp or postmark.    The card has darkened or yellowed with age.   The corner points are a bit dull.

Will be shipped in protective sleeve