Protecting Guardian Belt With 2 Prayers
Оберегающий Пояс Хранитель С 2 Молитвами


The belt has two prayers: The 90th Psalm and prayer "Let the God arise". In the 90th Psalm, God promises to every believer and loving His protection from all evil.
The belt can be worn on the body or in a pocket.
You have a choice of colours of the belt. (Green, red , purple and blue).

Psalm 90, "He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High ..."
"He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High, in the blood of God of Heaven dwell, saith unto the Lord: my defence hast, and my refuge, my God, I trust in Him Yako That will save me from the network more agile, and from the words of the rebellious. Pleschma their overshadow thee, and under krill His hope: arms obydet thee His truth not uboishisya fear noschnago from boom letyaschiya in the days of the things in the darkness is transitory, from sryascha and demon poludennago fall by country thy tysyascha and TMA right hand of you, for you do not approaching.. :. obache ochima your smotrish and reward uzrishi sinners, for thou, O Lord, my refuge: the Most High put hast thy refuge will not come to you evil, and the wound is not approaching Teles thy. thou shall give his angels zapovest about you, Saveor thee in all Puteh . your the hands rebelled thee, but not when the foot against a stone thy foot: on the asp and basilisk nastupishi and popereshi lion and the serpent Yako on Mya catch, and deliver and:. pokryyu and Thou cognition my name shall call upon me, and. I will answer him: am in trouble; ism is with him, and honor him, length of days will perform it, and shew him my salvation. "

Explanation of words and expressions of Psalm 90, "He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High ...":

He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High - living in care (assistance) of the Most High.
The God of Heaven dwell shelter - in the home {letters, in the tent) God of Heaven dwell (shall rest).
Yako That will save thee from the network Lovcen - For he shall deliver thee from the catcher networks (Hunter).
Pleschma their overshadow thee, and under His hope krill - letters. close, protect you with His shoulders, and under His krshyami you'll be safe.
Weapon obydet - will protect the shield.
Do not fear uboishisya noschnago from letyaschiya boom in the days - will not be afraid of danger and mystery explicit.
From things during transient TME - from disasters, plagues, malicious, comprehending at night (or, in general, where they do not expect).
From sryascha - from an attack (from any unforeseen event, meeting, illness).
Besa poludennago - Open apparent harm (demons attack during the midday rest; the unclean spirit of laziness and discouragement, tempting especially at certain times of the day).
From thy country - next to you (on the left).
TMA right hand to you - ten thousand on your right. On the interpretation of the Holy Fathers, the right falls (and, hence, the attack) enemy more (tens of thousands) than left (thousands).
Obache ochima your smotrish - but only with your eyes will look, you'll see.
For Thou, O Lord, my refuge: the Most High your shelter put ecu - in Russian Synodal translation: For thou hast said: Lord - my refuge; You chose the Most High thy refuge.
Rana - here: the plague.
Teles - literally - housing, village.
Zapovest - will command.
In the hands rebelled thee, but not when the foot against a stone thy foot - by hand will take you (raise your arms), so as not to stumble on a rock you {literally - do not stumble, do not hurt) his foot).
On the asp and the basilisk - poisonous snakes breed.
Popereshi lion and a snake - you will trample the lion and the (huge, terrible) {literally snake-dragon); Psalm - as a way of victory over evil.
Yako on Myaupova and deliver, and - so he put me in the hope (says the Lord), I will deliver him. Ism - deliver.

There is a custom of wearing the text "Psalm 90," He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High ... "in the pocket on the chest or at the waist (small icons, fold able and wraps the text of Psalm 90).

Prayer of the Holy Cross of the Lord

The banner of the cross and say a prayer of the Holy Cross:

Let God arise, and be scattered at once Him and let His face bezhat from hating him. Yako smoke disappears, so will disappear; Yako wax melts before the fire, tacos perish Besi on behalf of those who love God and marks the sign of the cross, and with gladness, saying: Hail, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, progonyayay demons by the power on you propyatago our Lord Jesus Christ, in hell came down and popravshago force the devil, and you darovavshago us his cross Honest to driving out vsyakago foe. Oh, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help the E with the holy lady, the Virgin Mother of God and all the saints forever. Amen.
Be scattered - scattered, scatter. Besi - demons, the devil. Banner - overshadowed imposed on itself a sign. Saying, - the speaker. Most honorable - mnogochtimy. Popravshago - the victory won over. Propyaty - crucified. Foe - the enemy, the enemy. Life-giving - the bestower of life resurrects.
In this prayer, the Holy Cross, we express our belief that the sign of the cross is the most powerful tool on driving out demons and ask the spiritual help of the Lord by the power of the Holy Cross. Cross called the life-giving because Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross, thereby delivered people from eternal death in hell and granted eternal

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