Sadhu board with nails Доска Садху

The color of the sadhu board in the photo may differ, as the color correction settings are different!

Distance between nails: 1 cm;
Material: Plywood;
Side inserts - natural maple;
The board has galvanized nails grey or yellow or copper nails
High quality materials.

Rectangular board:
📏 Size (12.25 x 1.25 x 5.5 in.) (31,3 x 3 x 14 cm;)
⚖️ Weight: 1.7 Kg 

Oval board:
📏 Size (12.5 x 1.25 x 5.78 in.) (32 x 3,2 x 14.7 cm;)
⚖️ Weight: 1.58 Kg 

In search of a universal way to improve the inner world, humanity has traveled thousands of roads, but never found it. The fact is that each of us will suit his own way to put things in order in his own mind. For some, long walks are closer, for others active sports, and the most daring choose a sadhu board.

The sadhu board is an ideal tool for stimulating nerve endings and restoring microcirculation in the feet. And given the huge number of reflex points on every square centimeter of the human foot, improving blood flow in it spurs metabolic processes in all organs. Separately, it is worth noting the improvement of blood circulation in the pelvis.