(Two Pack) BONUS BUY SPECIAL! Two for the price of one. Share with a friend, keep them for later use, if you got 2 guitars...give them both the CUSTOM Look.

Fits both Left & Right handed guitar, or bass up to 24 frets. Acoustics, Electrics, Acoustic Electrics.

GtarTat2s™. Made for musicians, by musicians!
 Quickly turn your boring old guitar into an exotic, custom work  of art. Make over your old $100 guitar to look like a $1,000 custom guitar.

 Takes minutes to  do. If you can cut a decal, and put it on...you can install GtarTat2s.
GtarTat2s stay on until you decide to pull them off.

GtarTat2s  won't damage your guitar, effect your guitar sound, or hinder your guitar playing.

Dot Eraser! GtarTat2s inlay is designed to cover your dot inlay. These Decals gives the illusion you have custom inlay. Unlike real inlay, you can change GtarTat2s inlay with a different design anytime you want to refresh the look of your guitar.

Made of super thin material that won't get caught in your strings. You can remove anytime you like with no damage to the guitar.

Super simple inlay. if you see a dot on your fretboard, simply cover it up with these inlay decals.