AZULA Gun Holsters Leather WALLET Pocket Holster.
Custom Designed For Your Handgun -
Please Select Your Gun Model From The Pull Down List Above.

Azula Inside The Pocket Leather WALLET Gun Holsters are custom made from a rough outer leather that helps the holster and wallet backing cling to your pocket interior for a smooth and easy handgun draw. The rough outer leather and smooth interior leather of the holster helps the holster remain in your pocket when you draw your handgun. We have found that this design is far superior to other wallet holsters.
We use premium 6oz leather for the holster and Heavy Duty 9oz leather for the WALLET backing to stop any printing of the gun.
The AZULA wallet holster will look like you have a wallet in your pocket rather than the outline of a handgun.

Hand crafted in the USA from top quality leather to last a lifetime.
 Perfect for your cargo pants pocket or jacket pocket. 

 Azula Gun Holsters have a lifetime replacement warranty . 
Choose Right Handed or Left Handed from the pull down menu and available
in Tan or dark Brown. Each holster is custom built when you place your order so it takes about a week to ship.