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Celery Juice – Lactic Acid Fermented, Organic, BioFood

Availability: in stock 

Celery Juice Lactic Acid Fermented, Organic is a 100% natural product that comes from organic farming. Celery is a source of many minerals and vitamins. Thanks to this rich composition it has a positive effect on health

It has a Certificate of BIO No. PL-EKO-07-04494.

The fermentation helps minerals to  be better absorbed by our organism. In addition the amount of vitamin B and vitamin C increases with comparison to raw vegetables. The juice doesn't contain any flavour enhancers, artificial colours or preservatives. It is a pasteurized and naturally cloudy product. This juice contains naturally occurring sugars. Acidity 3.5-4 ph.

Directly pressed juice from organic celery, salt, organic garlic.

Celery products are not recommended for pregnant women due to diastolic effect. 

Some of the information is obtained from generally available sources.