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Multi Vegetable Juice - Lactic Acid Fermented, Organic, BioFood

Availability: in stock
Multi Vegetable Juice - Lactic Acid Fermented, Organic is a 100% natural product that comes from organic farming. Tomato, beetroot, cabbage, carrots, cucumber and celery are a source of many minerals and vitamins. Thanks to this rich composition it has a positive effect on health. It increases the body's resistance, regulates the digestive system, adds strength and improves well-being. 

Product has a Certificate of BIO No. PLO-EKO-07-04494 and it won the Gold Medal at Natural Food 2013.

The juice doesn't contain any flavour enhancers, artificial colours or preservatives. It is a pasteurized and naturally cloudy product. This juice contains naturally occurring sugars. Acidity 3.5-4 ph. The fermentation helps minerals to  be better absorbed by our organism. In addition the amount of vitamin B and vitamin C increases in comparison to raw vegetables. Thanks to this rich composition it has a positive effect on health. 

Organic juice pressed  from: 30% tomato, 35% beetroot, 10% cabbage, 10% carrots, 10% cucumber, 5% celery, salt, organic garlic.

Some of the information is obtained from generally available sources.