LAKI® Coffee is a herbal drink with coffee flavor to add the vitality and stamina.


Composition :
Panax GinsengMaca


  • Increases stamina
  • Reduce fatigue and strengthen the digestive system, boost immunity because it contains polysaccharides which are substances that help boost the immune system.
  • Improving blood circulation to the nervous system and helps thin the blood and remove toxins.
  • Used in the treatment of impotence and erectile dysfunction.
  • In addition, the materials contained therein can be a supplement to build muscle, because of the increase in testosterone levels leading to increased muscle mass.
  • does not have the side effects found in other powerful drugs that contain chemicals such as artificial anabolic steroids and testosterone that are harmful to the health of the heart and lead to shrinkage of the male penis.


  • Preventing sexual frigidity and problems associated with hormone imbalance.
  • It is the source of energy for muscle cells and prevent muscle fatigue
  • Stimulate the male reproductive system
  • Prevent infertility for men

why choose LAKI® Coffee

In public has been widely circulated drugs who can help men with erectile dysfunction form of capsules and also a coffee-flavored drinks.
Especially Coffee for man, there are several available on the market but most contain chemicals that are harmful to the body. certainly, the reaction are quick (can be less than 30 minutes), but that needs to be considered is the risk after that, like heart problem, people with hypertension ( rise high blood pressure), risk of death. Consume in the long term will be at risk to other organs


LAKI® Coffee is a herbal drink with coffee flavor to add the vitality and stamina.