Golden-tailed Parrot, Black-winged Parakeet,  Green-banded Parakeet, Barrabands Parrot, Mitred Parrot, Hooded Parrot, Vulturine Parrot, Little Amazon Parrot

Dr Anton Reichenow (1847 - 1941) was a German ornithologist. Reichenow worked at the Humboldt Museum from 1874 to 1921. He was an expert on African birds, making a collecting expedition to West Africa in 1872 and 1873. He was editor of the Journal für Ornithologie from 1894 to 1921. These prints of parrtos are from a work by Reichenow from 1883, "Vogelbilder aus Fernen Zonen: Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der Papageien" and were drawn by Gustav Mützel (1839-1893), the famous wild life artist. The parrots are organized on the prints by family, and illustrate all the species then known from Australia, New Guinea, Asia, Philippines, Africa and America.

High Quality Giclee Art Print on Art Paper
Total Size including Border: 21cm x 29.7cm
Border Size: 1cm around image, white
Media: High Quality Art Paper
Print Quality: High resolution, long lasting archival inks

Our Digital Prints are high quality reproductions individually printed on special large format printers. These beautiful digital reproductions are virtually unparalleled in quality and range of colour and are at the leading edge of fine art printmaking.

Our archival 10 colour pigment ink has a colour permanence rating in excess of 100 years (when properly cared for and displayed in acceptable lighting). This art print displays sharp, vivid images with a high degree of colour accuracy. A member of the versatile family of art prints, this high quality reproduction represents the best of both worlds; quality and affordability.

This beautiful reproduction can be printed on either a premium grade art paper (contact us immediately once purchased to specify canvas, an additional 10% will need to be added to the price. Art paper is the default media) or canvas, the choice is yours. With brilliant colour and a high level of detail, our reproductions are an excellent option for the art lover.

All of our canvas prints are sprayed with a UV varnish which will both enhance the print and also make it's life last longer.

Need It In Another Size?
Nearly all of our products are available in multiple size formats ranging from A4 to Giant (way beyond A1). Please contact us via email if you require a quote on a size to suit your needs. Alternatively you can check our eBay store for other sizes.

Shipping and Packing
Our products are delivered with a cellophane wrap and rolled into a secured tube or envelope (sandwiched between cardboard stiffeners to eliminate damage). Shipping is free within Australia, for international sales please contact us prior to purchase to arrange a quote for delivery.