Aussie Furniture Care Furniture Wax Brown 250gr Paste Wax is a premium simple and easy to use beeswax furniture polish that requires no hard work, unlike old traditional style beeswax paste polish.

Our furniture wax polish:

  • Preserves and protects timber furniture from drying and cracking.
  • Can be used to fill fine cracks and splits.
  • Leaves a smooth clean, smear free finish.
  • Contains no petro-chemical by-products like tolulene, gum turps or silicones.
  • Never builds up.

Brings out the natural beauty of finished and unfinished wood and protects with a special blend of pure Australian beeswax and natural tree oils.

Safe for your furniture, family and pets

The wax is suitable for all timber and veneer furniture whether it's a modern piece or an antique and can be used to fill small splits on timber furniture with mid to dark brown tones.

It can be safely used on raw wood but will darken the colour slightly.

​​Excellent for Hand Painted Furniture.

Aussie Furniture Wax Brown can be used on any mid to dark colour woodtones.

Use every 3 to 6 months depending on how often you use the furniture.

For regular applications use AFC Quick Polish in between 3-6 monthly applications of the AFC Furniture Wax Paste Brown.

AFC Furniture Wax Paste is also available in:

Furniture Wax Clear 250gr

Furniture Wax Black 250gr

This product is Proudly Australian Made & Owned