This unpainted resin cast model of a ruined chapel with floor, font, altar and chest tomb, is perfect for games such as Frostgrave / Bolt Action and just about any Historical or Fantasy game.
Cast in high quality resin in four individual walls means you can lay the walls out in many different ways, not just as a chapel making perfect for Frostgrave.
As a chapel it covers an area of 24cm x 14cm with the highest point on the walls being 10cm and the properly scaled walls being 10mm thick at their thinnest and 18mm thick at the buttresses.
Laid end to end there is 68cm of wall.
You will need to cut some of the tiles in order to finish the Chapel flooring, they can be cut with a junior hacksaw or similar cutting tool.

1   Front Wall with entrance
1   Rear wall section
1   Side wall with windows section
1   Side wall with entrance section
30 Floor tiles
1   Font
1   Altar
1   Chest tomb
1   Rubble pack
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