The Elephant who Built a Wall

A 34 page picture story book raising funds for elephant preservation and protection in Africa and Worldwide. 

11 inch x 8.5 inch

Written by author Sherry Christie, Illustrated by South African wildlife artist Kirk Dixon.

Elephant was King of the Jungle. Loud and lazy, he let the other animals do all the work while he played golf. 
Elephant built a wall to separate the animals, but soon learned that working together is always better. 
A satirical and funny picture book about the value of hard work and cooperation. 
Fun for kids, and even funnier for adults. 
And nothing to do with Donald Trump ;-).

Written for Books for Wildlife. A minimum of £1 per book sold is being donated directly to elephant charities.

Thank you for your support.

Sherry Christie is a children's author - published works include Crash! Bang! "Ooooooo" and The Orangutan Who Had a Big Chip On His Shoulder, both published by Little Goblins' Books. 

The Elephant Who Built a Wall is part of a series of books to raise funds for Wildlife, self published by her company, Books for Wildlife.

Signed copies available on request at no extra charge.