Ready stock, will ship the next working day after payment received.
Place of origin: China
Storage: Store in a cool dry place.
Crowd Not suitable for : children, infants 
***** Not for eat
***** For doing mask, handmade soap etc....

Reduce scar: can promote skin cell regeneration, Reduce scar.
Anti-inflammatory effect: with anti-inflammatory, sterilization, convergence, anti-ulceration effect.
Reduce acne: you can calm the problem skin, eliminate acne in a short time.
Oil control effect: control the balance of water and oil skin.
Antibacterial effect: can prevent the spread of the problem skin, prevent bacterial regeneration.
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1. mask
【Material】 Lithospermum powder 5g, pearl powder 5g, 1 egg white.
【Method】  Lithospermum powder 5g, pearl powder 5g, with egg white to reconcile into a paste, evenly applied to the face, rinse after 20 minutes.
【Efficacy】 【blood stasis, eliminate spots, acne.

2. Lithospermum oil control essence
【Material】 Lithospermum powder 5g, mineral water 1 cup
[Method] Add purple powder into mineral water and paste into a paste, evenly applied to the face, wash off after 20 minutes, you can.
Efficacy: can make water and oil balance, calm the problem of skin, prevent acne.

3. Lithospermum anti-acne mask
【Material】 Lithospermum powder 5g, 1 cup of milk
[Method] Lithospermum powder 5-10g, tune into a paste with milk, evenly applied to the face, wash off after 20 minutes.
【Efficacy】 You can get rid of smallpox in a short time.

4. Whitening moisturizing mask
【Material】 Seaweed powder, white fungus powder, Lithospermum powder.
【Method】 Add three kinds of powder into the appropriate amount of water, transferred into a paste, apply to face.
[Effect] Seaweed powder, white fungus powder, Lithospermum powder has a very good whitening cleansing effect, silver fungus powder can nourish and moisturize the skin.

TIPS: Lithospermum powder will have a certain color, it is a natural phenomenon, after a period of time will automatically disappear, Lithospermum has a weird smell, this is the magical place Lithospermum, acne marks without leaving marks
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做面膜用 做手工皂

祛除痘印: 可促進肌膚細胞再生,祛除痘印。
消炎效果: 具有消炎、殺菌抗黴、收斂、防潰爛的效果。
除痘效果: 可以鎮定問題肌膚,在短時間內祛除痘痘。
控油效果: 控制肌膚水油平衡,減少表面油光。
抗菌效果: 可以防止問題肌膚蔓延,防止細菌再生。
1. 紫草粉祛除面膜



