Rag Doll Betsy is a quiet character yet full of wit. She won’t be the leader of any antics but she’ll always be involved somewhere, making sure that things don’t get too out of hand. You can rely on Betsy to smooth things over if necessary, as she has a charmful and endearing nature. Her friends rely on her and know that her loyalty in unquestionable. A perfect best friend when a little calming is needed.

Betsy wears a colourful combination with a spotted pink pinafore dress and her favourite yellow stripey tights. Her fair hair is plaited in pigtails.

Size: 37cm
Age: Suitable from birth
Made in Indonesia

Ansia rag dolls – to become new best friends.
Size: 37cm
Age: Suitable from birth
Made in Indonesia

Ansia rag dolls – to become new best friends.