This is a Variation Auction for:

Lindy Fishing Tackle's Glow Spoon With Replaceable Glow Sticks

Each lure comes with a quick change tool for the glow sticks.  Extra glow sticks are sold separately. 

3 Pack of Replacement Glow Sticks under color for each size does not include any lure.  It is simply 3 replacement glow sticks for the Lindy Glow Spoons.

3-3 Pack of Glow Sticks under 1/16 oz does not include any lure.  It is simply Three 3 Packs of Replacement Glows sticks for a total of 9 for these Lindy Glow Spoons.

7-3 Pack of Glow Sticks under 1/16 oz does not include any lure.  It is simply Seven 3 Packs of Replacement Glows sticks for a total of 21 for these Lindy Glow Spoons.

Model   Size (oz)               Hook Size

LGS2      1/16                       #12

LGS3      1/8                         #10

LGS4      1/4                         #8

From Top of Loop of Lure to Bottom of Hook Lengths are:  1/16 oz 1-7/8"   --- 1/8 oz 2"  --- 1/4 oz 2-1/4"

Below are the Variations Available

1/16 oz Red Scale

1/16 oz Pink Scale

1/16 oz Blue Scale

1/16 oz Rainbow

1/16 oz Golden Perch

1/16 oz Fire Tiger

1/16 oz Orange Tiger

1/16 oz Clown

1/16 oz Porchlight

1/16 oz Emerald

1/16 oz Gold Scale

1/16 oz Chartreuse Scale

1/16 oz 3 Pack of Replacement Glow Sticks

1/8 oz   Red Scale

1/8 oz   Pink Scale

1/8 oz   Blue Scale

1/8 oz   Rainbow

1/8 oz   Golden Perch

1/8 oz   Fire Tiger

1/8 oz   Orange Tiger

1/8 oz   Clown

1/8 oz   Porchlight

1/8 oz   Emerald

1/8 oz   Gold Scale

1/8 oz   Chartreuse Scale

1/8 oz   3 Pack of Replacement Glow Sticks

1/4 oz   Red Scale

1/4 oz   Pink Scale

1/4 oz   Blue Scale

1/4 oz   Rainbow

1/4 oz   Golden Perch

1/4 oz   Fire Tiger

1/4 oz   Orange Tiger

1/4 oz   Clown

1/4 oz   Porchlight

1/4 oz   Emerald

1/4 oz   Gold Scale

1/4 oz   Chartreuse Scale

1/4 oz   3 Pack of Replacement Glow Sticks