SWR and Power assembled bridge. Can be used for BI-Polar, LDMOS or TUBE amplifiers up to maximum 1500W !

Features :

* Transformer type bridge.
Have "shield area" - if needed, to be shielded or mounted in box (shield box).
* Bridge board  have socket , because user can make it in shield box and outputs can be done via the "shield". Flexible for variable constructions.
* Self SWR of the bridge not exceed 1.05
* Resistor places are free, so user can decide what dividers to use.

Compatible with this SWR and Power meter --> CLICK HERE

Transformers are not made/assembled, because different users may want different ratios. Wire for transformers is not included. Recommended wire between 0.40 and 0.45 mm.
Empty resistor places are for additional dividers, if needed and for user decision, what dividers to place there. Resistors are not included.
For the most accurate measurement you must be sure that your load (antenna) is 50 Ohm.

Shipping service is registered . Tracking number will be provided.