Make an offer for 8 spoons.

Two are soups - Plymouth rose pattern silver plate - clearly - and the others are service spoons from WMA Rogers. Three are matching with rounded curved handles with the beaded edge - WMA Rogers A1 with the trademark - OR; two others are matching. They have WMA Rogers with the trademark symbol - no A1, but at the point where the bowl of the spoon & the handle meet, it reads: patent June 14 which we assume is 1914. These two spoons have pointy curved handles with a kind of distorted heart shape. The last one, the single one, has an unusual point at the end of the handle. And this one says A1 Rogers with the trademark and it's marked patent March 30 15 - which is 1915. All 8 spoons are oval shaped. All have varyinging degrees of tarnish. But not a heavy tarnish - a very light tarnish or staining and some scratching.
