The Complete Pipers Handbook  (second edition). This best selling publication is the most comprehensive guide to setting up and maintaining a bagpipe that has ever been written. Not only does it cover the basic elements and problem solving, but it goes further than any other publication to cover the refinement and balance of the instrument, performing, teaching principles, band set up, and much more. It is a must for the beginner through to the most experienced piper. In fact anyone of any level who wants a comfortable fitting, more reliable, better sounding bagpipe. A full colour production comprising 68 pages of proven methods with descriptive photographs to guide you through every step.


Brett Tidswell has put together an excellent publication on perhaps the more mundane (but undoubtedly essential) aspects of piping. A very enjoyable and informative read, this book is a must for all pipers and pipe majors. Whether you are competing or a social piper, there is valuable information in this publication for you. Well done to Brett for taking on this significant challenge and coming with this outstanding result."

Greg Wilson, New Zealand, Double Gold Medallist, Inverness Clasp winner.

"The Complete Piper's Handbook is professional in presentation and very well formatted". "As well as being informative, it is enjoyable". "There are countless books of pipe music available today. Brett Tidswell has done a tremendous service to pipers by producing The Complete Piper's Handbook. While the amount of quality music and quality teaching today is at an all-time high, since the outstanding Pipers' Handbook by Captain John MacLellan in the 1960s, there has not been a book designed to assist the piper with clear, practical advice in maintaining the instrument and understanding how it works".

Pete Aumonier, Pipe-Major of the Grade 2 Hamilton Police Pipe Band of Ontario, Canada. Review published 17 March 2009, Pipes/Drums Magazine.

“The Complete Pipers’ Handbook” is without question one of the most valuable resource materials available to pipers. You name the issues that we have confronted in terms of setup, maintenance, tuning, practicing, etc……they are all clearly addressed in detailed and easy to understand language. This handbook also addresses all the recent technological advances which have made their way into piping in the last few decades. This gives it an immense advantage over previously published piping handbooks. Superb use of visuals in this professionally presented publication support all subsections of the handbook.

I can tell you that “The Complete Pipers’ Handbook” will be a “must” for all of my own pupils. It is a rich resource for the young beginner and adult learners as well as the well established player."

Bob Worrall, Burlington, Ontario, Canada. RSPBA Adjudicator

"The Complete Pipers Handbook covers just about every aspect one could think of so very well and accurately. It is a comprehensive book that I feel leaves hardly anything to the imagination. It is unlikely to be surpassed by any other book of its kind. I wish you every success with it, and feel especially that the World of Piping needs to be made aware of it. No-one who is serious about their piping, Pipe Majors and teachers included should be without it."

Pipe Major William A. Robertson, ex The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment).

"I received my copy of this publication a couple of weeks ago and would highly recommend it as an essential addition to the piper's library. The presentation and layout of the book is of the highest standard and P/M Tidswell has obviously put a lot of time and effort into his research.

It contains a comprehensive range of information that will help everyone from the beginner through to the open professional piper, is easy to read, and explains everything in clear English. Well done Brett."

Pipe Major Roddy S Macdonald, Queensland Police Pipe Band.

"I recommend this book to all pipers who are serious about having a great sounding bagpipe.
Mandatory for the serious piper".

Pipe Major Sam Young, NSW Police Pipe Band, RSPBA Adjudicator