Harvest 2021

Acidity 0.32!! 

Our olive orchards are mainly made up from Koroneiki olives and the trees have been planted during the 80s and 90s. Since 2008 the orchards have been free from chemical sprays and fertilizations. 2015 was the year we chose to join the Quality Control system which also covers farms that have switched from conventional to organic.

The olive oil is extracted directly from olives and processed solely by mechanical means. Early harvest from 12th of Octomber to 12th of December extraction cold-pressed under 27 Celcius, Unfiltered (Sediment is common in unfiltered olive oil).

Наши оливковые рощи состоят в основном из разновидностей Коронейки, и оливковые деревья были посажены в 80-х и 90-х годах. С 2008 года до сегодняшнего дня они свободны от химических спреев и лубрикантов. С 2015 года мы решили присоединиться к системе контроля качества и преобразования ферм от обычных на органических.