HIBISCUS SYRIACUS - (Rose of Sharon ) - MIX SEEDS - 50 fresh seeds

Hibiscus Syriacus is widely cultivated ornamental shrub in the genus Hibiscus. Common names include Rose of Sharon or Rose Althea and is the only hardy (to -25`C) hibiscus shrub. It was grown in Europe from the 16th century and would not suffer to be uncovered in the winter time. It is upright and vase-shaped, reaching 1,8 - 3m in height. Is widely planted for its very attractive white, pink, red, lavender or purple large flowers up to 8 inches (20cm) across. Excellent as a tree for small sunny garden, perfect in a large container, great backs of borders or hedges. They will also attract butterflies and bees. Easy to grown, when sown early they flower in the first year.

Sow outdoors:                        April - July

Sow indoors:                          October - March

Germination Temperature:     5-16`C

Plant Out:                              Late May

Flowers:                                July - October

Spacing for Hedges:               12 - 20 inches (30-50cm)

Sowing:   Nick the seeds carefully and soak them in look warm water for 48 hours before sowing. You can find how to nick the hibiscus seeds in youtube.

               These are hardy hibiscus seeds do not germinate them in high temperature or covered. They are usually germinate over the winter in the soil under the                       mother srub and ready to re-plant in the spring.