Pet Guard Kennel and Cattery Disinfectant

25L Anti Glug Container - Bubblegum Scented 

Pet Guard kennel and cattery disinfectant is a powerful cleaner and deodoriser. This formula effectively destroys a wide spectrum of bacteria, fungi and viruses that could be present within these venues. Our Pet Guard cleaner and disinfectant eliminates any odours that could arise and will leave a fresh fragrance of your choice. Pet Guard is completely safe to use on all of the following surfaces; Flooring, walls, cages, feeding bowls, toys, runs, yards, carpet, toilets, bedding and it is also safe to be washed down drains too. Unlike generic disinfectant, this formula has no determents effects to the animal’s health and is 100% safe to use around them. This means that no rinsing is required after the use of this chemical. A key feature of this formula is that it contains no phenols, bleaches and pine oils and so, this chemical does not cause any harm to the animals it us used around. The most ideal uses for this chemical are to fight against Canine Parvo-virus (type 2), Feline Calico virus and kennel cough etc. Also effective against H1N1 Swine-flu,  Newcastle disease, TB, Avian Influenza Virus and Foot & Mouth.

 To use this product, simply dilute up to a rate of 100:1 with fresh water and apply to the surfaces you wish to treat. For general use as an effective cleaner, deodoriser and disinfectant dilute at a rate of 
 1:30 with 100 with water. You can apply the formula by spraying, mopping or wiping the chemical onto the surface you wish to clean. For severe filth or odour problems we recommend using Fresh Pet neat. For disinfection of feeding bowls use dilution of 1:100 and rinse thoroughly with clean water. For foot baths and disinfection mats make up fresh solutions regularly with a dilution of 1:50. 


Available Fragrances

Linen Fresh, Lavender, Cherry, Alpine,  Strawberry, Floral, Vanilla, Peach & Papaya, Baby Talc, Pine
Lemon, Coconut, Bubblegum, Cut Grass, Eucalyptus, Apple, Lime, Lemon Pistachio, Pink Grapefruit, Clean Cotton, Apple Pie  and Christmas Spice.


Health & Safety

This is a low hazard product so it is safe for normal use.

This formula does have the ability to cause skin reactions and can cause serious eye irritation.

If on the skin: Wash with plenty of water

If in the eyes: Rinse continuously with water for several minutes (ensure contact lenses are removed if this applies)

If eye irritation continues, please seek medical attention.

Please use Biocides safely


FAQ’s for Pet Guard Kennel and Cattery Disinfectant

What is this product used for?

ANSWER: Pet Guard is a specially designed disinfectant and deodoriser that destroys bacteria and viruses effectively. It is completely safe to be used on all water washable surfaces such as flooring, walls, cages, feeding bowls, toys, bedding, yards, runs, toilets, drains and carpets. Not only does it provide the most effective and deep clean, it also gets rid of any horrible lingering odours and leaves behind a lovely fresh scent. Dilution rate for this product should be 1:100 with water, for feeding bowls it should be the same. For footbaths and mats, it should be 1:50.


What fragrances does this product come in?

ANSWER: The available fragrances for this product are Linen Fresh, Lavender, Alpine, Cherry, Floral, Strawberry, Vanilla, Baby Talc, Peach and Papaya, Pine, Coconut, Lemon, Apple, Lime, Cut Grass, Bubblegum, Pink Grapefruit, Clean Cotton, Lemon Pistachio, Christmas Spice and Apple Pie.


What sizes does this product come in?

ANSWER: You can get Pet Guard Kennel and Cattery Disinfectant in 250ml Trigger spray bottle, 2L Jerry, 2X2 L Jerry’s, 3X2L Jerry’s and 4X2 L Jerry’s.


Is this product hazardous?

ANSWER: We recommend using this product with care; it is hazardous if ingested so please keep this chemical away from children. If it does happen to be ingested, rinse the mouth out well and seek medical attention immediately. Similarly, if this product gets into the eyes or on the skin then please rinse the affected area well and seek medical attention if irritation occurs.


How should this product be stored?

ANSWER: We recommend storing this chemical in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and hot surfaces. Ensure the cap is always kept on and the bottle is always upright to avoid spillages.