Various types & weights. Produced in Argentina.

Traditional yerba mate with leaves and stems with mild flavour and delicate aroma. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.


Yerba Mate Amanda has been produced for more than 90 years and, in fact, it is the oldest cultivated yerba mate in Argentina. The yerba mate fields of Amanda Group are located at La Negrita and Santa María. To maintain the ecological balance and quality of the final products, only organic fertilizers are used in conjunction with modern agricultural techniques. Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNAM) has carried out surveys about the microfauna of Grupo Amanda’s yerba plantations, finding out a remarkable balance in relation to its composition.

Item variants:

AMANDA TRADITIONAL YERBA MATE TEA - 2.7kg (with zip lock) BULK - Produced in Argentina & re-packaged in Australia in non-branded bag.

Traditional yerba mate with leaves and stems with mild flavour and delicate aroma. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.

AMANDA TRADITIONAL YERBA MATE TEA - 4.5kg (no zip lock) BULK - Produced in Argentina & re-packaged in Australia in non-branded bag.

Traditional yerba mate with leaves and stems with mild flavour and delicate aroma. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.

AMANDA MILD (CAMPO) YERBA MATE TEA - 2.7kg (with zip lock) & 4.5kg (no zip lock) BULK - Produced in Argentina & re-packaged in Australia in non-branded bag.

Traditional yerba mate with leaves and stems with mild flavour and delicate aroma. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.


Traditional yerba mate with leaves and stems with mild flavour and delicate aroma. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.


Traditional yerba mate without stems for stronger and long lasting flavour. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.


Yerba mate produced with anti-acid and digestive herbs. Mixed with peppermint, pennyroyal, incayuyo, linden, boldo, mint and lemon vervain.

Traditional yerba mate with leaves and stems conditioned for 24 months for extra-strength, flavour and delicate aroma. Gently energizes, improves mood, and eliminates fatigue.

Yerba Mate Info

Yerba Mate is a type of tea, made from dried leaves and stems from a Yerba Mate plant. It is much gentler than coffee on the stomach.

It is an important, common social practice in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, eastern Chile, southern Bolivia and Brazil. Drinkers in these countries usually share the mate, each taking turns to drink, with one person serving from a flask. Sharing Mate 'mateando' is a time sit and chat with friends and family.

Yerba Mate contains a compound similar to caffeine called "matteina" and will definitely keep you going!

Yerba Mate Health Benefits

  • Aids Weight Loss
  • It is thermogenic, and increases the rate at which fat is burned. It also suppresses the appetite and makes you feel full
  • Antioxidant
  • Helps to "mop up" free radicals - new research shows many antioxidants can be found in Yerba Mate
  • Stimulates the body and mind
  • Strengthens the heart
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Aids digestion
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Aids memory and concentration

Contains vitamins and minerals including:

  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Thiamine (B1)
  • Riboflavin (B2)
  • Carotene
  • Theobromine
  • Theophylline
  • Trigelline