The device of complex therapy EL

The device of complex therapy ELITON


ELITON has a tremendous treatment potential.

We present to your attention an effective remedy to combat a wide range of diseases, modern physiotherapy device ELITON, designed specifically for self-use in the home. Due to its device, the medical device ELITON has the widest treatment possibilities, since it is able to exert a complex effect on the human body. Our online store presents you with robust, comfortable and compact ELITON devices, whose spectrum of action includes the generation of several types of radiation at once, which have a diverse effect on the state of organs and tissues of the human body, including:
Low frequency pulse current
Pulsed electromagnetic oscillations of low intensity
Infrared radiation
Ultraviolet radiation
Mechanical sound wave oscillations

All this provides ample opportunities for the treatment of various diseases, while the control of the ELITON device allows ordinary users, without special medical education, to customize the device independently. In addition to alleviating the condition in various diseases, the ELITON device can be used as a prophylactic agent for improving body resistance, as well as for acupressure on biologically active points - electroacupuncture reflexotherapy, using special electrodes that are included in the product package. In our store you can at an affordable price buy original ELITON devices with the capabilities of quantum, vibro-acoustic, electro-puncture, electromagnetic effects on the body, the use of which will allow you to cure the widest range of diseases at home, as well as provide invaluable support to your immunity.

** Effective in treatment: **
- hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure.
- chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
- obesity, headache, neurosis, encephalopathy, Raynaud's syndrome.
- gastritis, ulcers, intestinal dyskinesia.
- cystitis, pyelonephritis.
- dermatitis, urticaria.
- osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis.
- post-traumatic syndromes, after fractures, complex operations related to trauma.

How to treat?

Affects the skin with light and vibrational vibrations.

The treatment involves low-frequency currents (as in the offices of electrotherapy clinics), thermal effects, electromagnetic oscillations.

The impact of the device on the nerve endings of skin cells and acupuncture points. According to eastern medicine, each acupuncture point has its own organ.

What result?

Among 147 patients who used the device, 85% had a cardiac spasm and a heaviness in the heart.

With daily use, 71% of patients got rid of insomnia, 78% had a general irritability.

The device increases the body's defenses, is relevant during recovery and during off-season periods.

With daily use, relieves pain in muscles and joints, eliminates hemorrhage, swelling.

Restores the lumen of blood vessels in otosclerosis and atherosclerosis.

Regulates and normalizes metabolic processes in the body, eliminates the effects of obesity, which leads to natural healing.

Relieves spasms of different origin: intestinal colic, recurrent pain in women, headache and toothache, thereby reducing the negative impact on the body of traditional medicines ...

Relieves spasms during an attack of bronchial asthma.

Stimulates cleansing of the skin, liver and bile ducts. Regulates the liver and biliary tract.

Normalizes blood pressure.

"Eliton" is used to enhance the effect in the treatment of traditional methods.

Contraindications - Oncological diseases
- Pulmonary tuberculosis (active form)
- Myocardial infarction (acute period)
- Cyst (to affect the area of ​​cyst formation)
- Pregnancy
- The presence of an implanted pacemaker
- Severe renal failure


Thanks and good luck!