Jade is a cleansing stone used in Chinese medicine to aid the body's lymphatic and filtration system to get rid of toxins. The larger roller is designed to be used around the face and neck area to help with lymph drainage and blood flow.

Jade Roller Benefits:

+ Improves blood circulation and skin tone

+ Improves elasticity of the skin

+ Promotes lymphatic drainage

+ Reduces puffiness and wrinkles

+ Reduces dark under eye circles

+ Eliminates toxins

+ Tightens and reduces pore size

Like taking your skin to the gym, this roller acts just as intensive (quick-fix!) workout – boosting circulation and eliminating puffiness, so your face looks more sculpted with an enviable glow. Perfect for counteracting tell-tale signs of too-late nights (or too many cocktails), this is also the ideal excuse for some end-of-day ‘me time’ – soothing post-work stresses and enhancing your evening time skin care routine.

For extra healing, relaxation and inflammation reduction, place the stone in the refrigerator or on ice. The stone is naturally cold, but this extra temperature drop will aid in your efforts to increase circulation, drain congested lymph nodes, rid the body of toxins/waste, stimulate collagen production, help with sinus issues and balance chi.

Due to natural formations in the stones, each tool will be unique and vary in size and color from the picture that is listed.