The ingredients in this candle are used to banish negative energy and people that are in your life. This will drive away anyone who wants to cause chaos in your life.

Banish candles are great to remove your fears, doubts or even breaking habits that no longer serve you. We all have our quirks or things that we don't like about ourselves that we feel we need to change for the better. You can also use this candle to break your habits of thinking negatively about your own self or stop doing things that hurt your self. Stop being hard on yourself and banish the problem you are having in your own self.

You are the magic, you have the power to manifest what you want, just believe in your own power when you get creative in your candle spells.

The unique blend of lemongrass, cloves, pepper, camphor, frankincense and sandalwood essential oils.

It is extremely important to me offer products of the best quality. It was very important to me in the development of these candles to do this in an environmentally friendly and healthy way. I hope you enjoy burning my candles as much as I have enjoyed creating them :)