Magic Water Cloth for Chinese Calligraphy – Squares (Large) 神奇书法水写布-米字格 (大) Write on the cloth with water using clean calligraphy brush. The writing will fade away when it dry and you can start writing it again and again. Good for practicing your calligraphy writing. There is no more excuse, you can practice calligraphy whenever and wherever. 28 large square. Suitable for children and adults. Size: 450 x 650mm 用途:练字,书法,练画画 特点:清水代墨,此布代纸,写后很快干回原样,经济实惠,练书法和练画画节省纸张和墨水,环保高效,干净卫生。效果妙如宣纸,非常实用。重复万次书写。 可用每天零碎时间练字,有5分钟空闲时间就可以练字,所以练习书法不会中断。 使用携带都非常方便,可随时随地练字,省掉铺毡子、裁纸、压镇纸、调墨、洗毛笔的程序和时间。 适用人群广泛少年儿童与成人皆可使用!