The Lady and the Unicorn (French:La Dame à la licorne)

This tapestry is a gift from a French aristocrat to a newlywed wife. This is the sixth of a group of tapestries depicting the scene where the lady is picking a gem from the fiancé. The tent and the flag on the background are painted. The clan of both sides, because the groom is a heroic knight nicknamed "Little Lion", in addition to the unicorn, there is also a small lion. The meaning of the painting is rich and subtle. In addition to unicorns, closed gardens and the use of pomegranate trees to symbolize the majesty of the hostess, it is generally believed that there is a metaphor for the five senses: the mirror held by the lady. It shows the image of the unicorn, which is a symbol of vision; the lady who listens to the sound of music, implies the meaning of hearing; the garden with flowers suggests the meaning of smell; the candy box that the maid is holding is the symbol of taste; The curtain of the beast and the lion picking up the tent represents the touch. This is a masterpiece of art full of folk legends. The artist paints various rare animals and exotic animals and flowers in a flat and decorative way. The paintings are subtle and the colors are bright and beautiful. The whole picture is full of youth. The vitality, the joy of life and the vitality of nature give people a strong visual beauty.

500 Pieces
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