7 Brazilian paraiba tourmalines equaling 1.01 carat from the Batalha mine, Paraíba, Brazil. Very rarely do you see paraiba tourmalines with these intense colors. Please be aware that all stones are small, since most Brazilian paraiba tourmalines are small. Brazilian paraiba tourmalines are extremely rare. They are one of the world’s most valuable and expensive gemstones per carat weight. Brazilian paraiba tourmalines are worth many times more than the African cuprian elbaite. All gemstones have some inclusions, as do most paraiba tourmalines. As of what I am aware, these gemstones have clarity enhancement, which many Brazilian paraiba tourmalines have, since like emeralds, most have some or many inclusions. The hue and saturation of the gemstones varies depending on light source and intensity. Be aware that the pictures are zoomed in for you to see the gemstones in greater detail. Two of the gemstones have very tiny metallic inclusions, with the oval dark blue one having much more. In the entire world, only the original discovery Batalha mine was known to produce paraiba tourmalines with metallic inclusions or with gold inclusions. It is an extremely rare occurrence, being rare even in paraiba tourmalines from the same Batalha mine. Please be certain of purchase because I do not accept return for obvious reasons.