Perfumers Alcohol

The Chemic Company


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Our fine grade perfumers alcohol will add a professional finish to your perfumes.   

Made with a combination of alcohol denat, iso propyl myristate and monopropylene glycol, 

this skin friendly dilutant is the perfect perfume mixer.


Perfect for making Room sprays/Mists. Just add 5-20% fragrance oil to the Perfumers Alcohol base.

This is a special formulation which can be used by both professionals and amateurs who wish to make perfumes. 

It allows the simple addition and blending of essential oils and fragrances to produce crystal clear solutions.

Perfumers alcohol is also used in the production of DIFFUSER OILS.

The blended solutions remain clear and free from cloudiness.

The 3 main ingredients of perfumers alcohol are:

Ethanol (denatured) -Alcohol which is the main carrier for the fragrance oils. 
This evaporates quickly as it is warmed by skin temperature releasing the fragrances evenly over the surface.
Isopropyl myristate - used in preparations where good absorption is desired.
Monopropylene glycol - a cosolvent which allows the fragrance oils to be solubilised in the alcohol carrier. 
This helps to control the evaporation of the alcohol so that it does not flash off too quickly.
Guidelines for the making of perfumes etc:

The difference between different perfumes and colognes is simply the level of oils contained in each product. 
As a general rule the concentrations are given as: perfume (20-30%); eau de perfume (10-15%); 
eau de toilette (4-8%); cologne (3-5%); cologne splash (1-3%), room sprays (1-5%).

As Perfumers Alcohol contains Isopropyl Myristate which does not mix with water we do do recommend that water is added to blends. 
For products where it is desirable to add water then one should use our Formulators Alcohol in place of the Perfumers Alcohol.

Prepare scent by thoroughly blending selected essential oils
Add combined oils to perfumer's alcohol
Stir solution slowly and thoroughly until solution has cleared
Allow the solution to rest for at least 48 hours
What you will need:

Distilled water
Perfumer’s alcohol
Coffee filters
Coloured glass bottles with stoppers
Wooden spoon
Non-metal bowl
Essential oils (see recipes below)

1.  Pour the alcohol into your bowl. Add the essential oils one drop at a time into the alcohol in the bowl, stirring slowly after each addition. Make sure that you stir slowly, but long enough to completely disperse the oils

2.  Allow the blend of oils and alcohol to stand undisturbed for 48 hours

3.  Add the distilled water. Stir it slowly until it is completely dispersed.

4.  Place the mixture in a cool, dark place where it won't be disturbed for at least three weeks. This will allow the perfume to mature.

5.  Filter the resulting pure perfume through a coffee filter to remove any sediment that may have formed. Bottle your perfume into glass bottles with a stopper. Enjoy it as you would any commercial perfume.