Purina Adventurous Nuggets Ideal Treat For Your Dog Boar Flavour For Adult Dog

3 Packs

These Purina Adventuros Nuggets are the ideal indulgent treat for dogs with a natural sense of adventure.

These boar flavoured nuggets are a complementary pet food for adult dogs, that are high in meat, but low in fat. This means that your canine friend is getting the healthiest of treats when you want to reward them, or just show them your love.

  • Boar flavoured nuggets
  • Resealable zip for freshness
  • Low in fat

These great tasting treats come in a resealable bag, so they will remain fresh whenever you want to give them the perfect little treat, either in the house, or when you are out getting some exercise.

Pack size: 90g

Flavour: Boar