FRIDAY THE 13th PART VII&VIII soundtrack 1000 Ltd Fred Mollin


Condition : NEW
This is a limited 1000 piece soundtrack including the two works by Fred Mollin, 'FRIDAY THE 13 th PART 7: THE NEW BLOOD' and 'FRIDAY THE 13 th PART 8: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN'. a monumental horror film "Friday the 13th" that leaves a strong impression and terror on the viewer. Among the splatter movies that became a big boom in the 80's, this is a very popular series that produced many sequels, numerous imitations, and novel killing methods.
Instead of Harry Manfredini, who was responsible for the music through Part 1 ~ 6, Fred Morin, who was responsible for the music for the TV series (1987 -1990), is responsible for the music for Part 7 'Friday the 13th, new fears.' and Part 8 'Friday the 13th, Jason N.Y.'. Neither movie released a soundtrack when it was released. This product is a limited edition of Part 7's music: 8 songs and Part 8's music: 8 songs!!
'Friday the 13th Part 7 & 8' (16 songs: 59 minutes)