Epsom Salt

Pure Food Grade Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate

500g Tub


Epsom salts for many years have been known to provide a means of remedy to many different common ailments; Epsom salts have a variety of health benefits and can also be used within the household, garden and also within the cosmetic/beauty industry. Some scientific studies have shown that magnesium and sulphate both have the ability to be absorbed by the human skin, making Epsom salts and easy way to absorb these health benefits. Magnesium helps to regulate the activity of over 325 enzymes, reducing inflammation, helping nerve and muscle function and helps to prevent artery hardening. Sulphates help improve the absorption of nutrients, helps ease migraines and to flush toxins out from the body. Epsom salts splinter removal, magnesium foot scrub, firming facial wash, body ache relief, sea salt spray for thicker hair, magnesium lotion, DIY salt scrub, foot soak, volume-boosting hair mask, relieve itchy skin, bug bites, constipation relief and headache relief.



Health and Safety

We recommend using around one cup of Epsom salts per bath.

We do not recommend ingesting this product, although it is food grade this product is not intended to be edible.

Please make sure this product is kept out of children’s reach.


FAQ’s for Epsom Salts (Food Grade)


What are the uses for this product?

ANSWER: There are many uses for this product, some of which are Foot soak, Firming facial wash and also a Magnesium foot scrub. All the other uses are listed above on the product uses section.


What sizes can I buy this Epsom salts?

ANSWER: You can buy this product in 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 5kg tubs.


Where should I store this product?

ANSWER: You should store this product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or any hot surfaces. Please ensure the safety seal is always on when in storage. Also, keep this product away from children as it should not be ingested in large quantities.


(In terms of the other brands of Epsom salts, the Relax brand is all about using them as bath salts which relax the muscles and make you sleepy so change the words slightly for this. This comes in 500g and 1kg tubs.)

(For professor pooch Epsom salts make sure it is directed at the dogs, you put the salts into the bath water for your dog. This container of salts is only available in 1kg.)