RANDEC Scientific Solution Software Package (RSSSP) "RESINT" v4.44 FE Multi-Factor Non-Linear Regression (using table data) Software => includes 128-bit Binary Mathematics; OS, PC Hardware and File Testing Modules; File Safe Erasing Commands; Data Compression/Decompression Options; Data Encryption/Decryption Possibilities with USB Aladdin HASP Security Key; Distribution Format: CD and SanDisk USB Flash

"RESINT" Main Options:

- Building approximation functions (regression models), using  table data (please see the example below)

- Binary mathematics functions (four 128-bit registers OAX, OBX, OCX and ODX; sixteen 128-bit registers stack by default - expandable unlimited within 32-bit RAM range) for addition (ADD), subtraction (SUB), multiplication (MUL), division (DIV), bitwise operations (XNOR,XOR,OR,AND), bits rotation (ROL/ROR), shifting (SHL/SHR), etc. (please see the screen-shot pages next to the pictures)

- Testing PC hardware (CPU, FPU, NIC, etc.), Operating System (OS) and files (calculates 16/32-bit CRCs, 128-bit signatures and characters frequencies, displays HEX dumps, etc.)

- File safe rewriting with zeros, true random or pseudo-random numbers and erasing commands

- File compression and decompression with Huffman and Run-Length Encoding (RLE) algorithm

- File encryption and decryption with HASP internal crypto-engine (128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard - AES or Rijndael for the latest generations Aladdin HASP USB Security Keys)

- Historical info about RSX-11M OS and "RESINT"


READ_ME.TXT, RES.PDF (English) and "RESINT" internal help system


RANDEC "RESINT" FE ("Full") Edition - 5th degree equation, unlimited number of experimental points (limited by 32bit RAM access model, about 2147483647 points), 15 factors (dimensions), 20 members. This is the most powerful version of "RESINT" software. 

RANDEC "RESINT" SE ("Standard") Edition (not included in this item5th degree equation, 100 experimental points (1st "RESINT" version standard for RSX-11M OS in the 1970s), 10 factors (dimensions), 20 members. There are no software upgrade options, sorry..  

RANDEC "RESINT" XE ("WinXP") Edition (not included in this item) - 5th degree equation, 100 experimental points (1st "RESINT" version standard for RSX-11M OS in the 1970s), 10 factors (dimensions), 20members: created for 32-bit Microsoft Windows XP or lower (32-bit Windows 2000, etc.) OS. Not for Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating systems. It may work on 32-bit higher than Windows XP operating systems (we successfully tested RESINT XE Software on 32-bit Windows Vista Home Premium version 6.0.6002 SP2, 32-bit Windows 7 Professional version 6.1.7601 SP1 and 32-bit Windows 8 Professional version 6.2.9200 SP0, but it didn't work on 32-bit Windows 10 any version), but it is at the user's own risk. It is possible to upgrade this program to "RESINT" SE version within one year from the date of purchase.

RANDEC "RESINT" UE ("University") Edition (not included in this item5th degree equation, 62 experimental points, factors (dimensions), 20 members. Includes two separate software on one CD: UE32 version,  optimized for  32-bit Windows and UE64 - optimized for 64-bit Windows. It is possible to upgrade these two software to "RESINT" both SE and XE versions within one year from the date of purchase. 

RANDEC "RESINT" LE ("Limited") Edition for USB (Universal Serial Bus) port (not included in this item5th degree equation, 13 experimental points, factors (dimensions), 12 members: due to the small number of points, more suitable for multi-factor non-linear regression functions demonstration than practical use - recommended for use of binary math and non-regression related other options. There are no software upgrade options, sorry..

RANDEC "RESINT" LE ("Limited") Edition  for LPT (Centronics Parallel) port (not included in this item5th degree equation, 13 experimental points, factors (dimensions), 12 members. Includes two separate software on one CD: LE32 version,  optimized for  32-bit Windows and LE64 - optimized for 64-bit Windows. It is possible to upgrade these two software to "RESINT" both "University" UE32 and UE64 versions within one year from the date of purchase and to "RESINT" both SE and XE versions within two years from the date of purchase.

Insights into history

The original code of “RESINT” was written in the 1970s in algorithmic high-level programming language FORTRAN IV. The author and developer of the program is the legendary computing specialist mathematician Vilnis Eglajs (1938-1993) [1]. The program successfully worked on the so popular and then very modern CM-4 (CM1403) mini computing machines (it is a copy  of the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11 computing system - cloned and manufactured in the former Eastern Bloc: USSR, Bulgaria and Hungary [2]) in the RSX-11M operating system.
At the beginning of the 1980s, the author of these lines, under the leadership of Vilnis Eglajs, recast the “RESINT” program so that it can be used for IBM-compatible, Intel 80x86 architecture-based computer in the Microsoft MS-DOS environment and it was used for scientific research at the August Kirchenstein Institute of Microbiology (Laboratory of Bioengineering and Biophysics), Latvian Academy of Sciences, resulting in the creation of several international publications [3, 4, 5, 6*, 7, 8, 9]. Then, in the 1990 s, the day light seen a version of “RESINT” for Microsoft's Windows 16-bit operating system  and later - for 32/64-bit one. Note that all “RESINT” commands (called mnemonics) are unique in the first three characters as for the RSX OS and the most critical parts of software code such as solution of a system of compatible linear equations AX=B, etc. are written in assembler language.

“RESINT” method

Regression equation quality indicators
Looking at the quality of the regression equation, two main indicators should be distinguished: accuracy and reliability. The precision of the regression equation is characterized by the mean square deviation (standard deviation) of the table data from the regression equation values at the corresponding points - the smaller the deviation, the higher the accuracy. By increasing the number of coefficients of the regression equation and thus making the equation more complicated, it can unlimitedly reduce the deviation of the output data from the equation. In a boundary case, when the number of coefficients of the equation coincides with the number of output data, it is possible to achieve a complete match of the output data with the values calculated using this regression equation. This regression equation is unlikely to have any meaning because it is unlikely to have good predictive properties: the values calculated in the intersections of the parameter area of the object from actual ones can vary unforgivably.
The reliability of the regression equation shall be characterized by the extent to which the deviations calculated at starting-points correspond to the inter-point deviations of the object's parameter room. It becomes understood that the less the number of regression equation coefficients, the higher the credibility of the equation. The good compliance of the regression equation with the output data at a small number of regression coefficients (relative to the set points) indicates that this harmony was achieved due to the structure of the regression equation itself, but not to the recovery of coefficients. Thus, the key indicators of the regression equation are contradictory: one improvement leads to a deterioration of the other.

Synthesis of the regression equation
In practice, the following task appears quite often: information about the object is given in the form of a table. Assuming that there is some relationship between the object's parameters and response (feedback), it is necessary to express this relationship mathematically - it is to create an object regression model based on the table data. Existing regression analysis methods, as a rule, require the existence of a regression equation with accuracy up to coefficients, the determination of which also constitutes the main computational work. However, in most cases the structure of the regression equation is unknown a priori. In this case, the use of regression analysis methods is difficult, especially the determined links between the parameters and feedback of the object. The proposed regression synthesis method does not require a priori knowledge of the regression equation structure. As previously mentioned, the approximation function is not predefined, but is synthesized in the process of processing information. The mathematical expression has the following form:

Y = ⅀ [Bi * F(X)]


m - number of expression members;

Bi - coefficients;

F - elementary function;

X - vector of factors.

The elementary function is constructed as follows:

F(X)= П[Aj+Bj*Xj]*Lk,j


NX - number of factors;

Aj, Bj - coefficients;

Lk,j - integers that can accept both positive and negative values, including zero.

The algorithm provides both an automatic selection of the elementary function depending on the number of factors and the  results of the information analysis, as well as the analysis of the influence of individual factors and the exclusion of non-essential factors.  For more detailed information, please see [10, 11].
"USA Temperature" (with wrong twelfth data line) data example file "RES.DAT" listing below:
;OS RSSSP/101E  R E S I N T  Version FE 4.44(20200606vi0)  (C)Copyright 1994-2020 RANDEC Ltd
;C:\RSSSP\RESINT\DAT\RES.DAT  Thu 13-AUG-2020  08:32:49.910
; You must prepare such 8 lines above data table:
; 1. "OBN/OBJ"-Object(s) name(s) (up to 16 chars each) separated by "|"(#124=$7C)
;              character or horizontal tabulator (#9=$09)
; 2. Miscellaneous parameters:
;   1-"YNU" : Number of functions (up to 25..39)
;   2-"XNU" : Number of variables (up to 15)
;   3-"MNU" : Magic Number (0-without MGN: "MNU"="PNU")
;   4-"ELN" : Maximum length of equation (up to 20 members, 0-all)
;   5-"VNU" : Number of variants for printing (0-all)
;   6-"DVN" : Number of deviations for printing (0-all, if "DVN" < 0 then in
;             addition to deviations printing, writes actual function and data
;             values at the beginning of result file, e.g. for testing purposes)
;   7-"CLN" : Number of required values (columns) in data line for reading
;             (0-all: based on first data line as main one)
;   8-"PNU" : Number of points (data lines, 4 and more rows) in file for reading (0-all)
;   9-"DGN" : Number of digits for output floating-point values (0-all)
; 3. "FLG"-Flags (0-inactive/false/disabled/"NO", 1-active/true/enabled/"YES"):
;   1-"ASC" : Create unformatted ASCIIZ output file
;   2-"FMT" : Use large format for output diagrams
;   3-"STA" : Print table of statistics
;   4-"ELM" : Print diagram of eliminations
;   5-"ERA" : Print eliminated (erased) functions
;   6-"DEV" : Print distribution of deviations
;   7-"DRW" : Use MS-DOS line-draw characters (flag exception: "2"-use the "Seventies" ones)
; 4. "NLY"-Nonlinear deformation code(s) for Y column(s):
;     0 - Without deformation : Y=Y
;     1 - Natural logarithm   : Y=LN(Y)
;     2 - Square root         : Y=SQRT(Y)
;     3 - Decimal logarithm   : Y=LOG10(Y)
;     4 - Double square root  : Y=SQRT(SQRT(Y))
;     5 - Exponent            : Y=EXP(Y)
; 5. "NLX"-Nonlinear deformation code(s) for X column(s):
;     0 - Without deformation : X=X
;     1 - Natural logarithm   : X=LN(X)
;     2 - Square root         : X=SQRT(X)
;     3 - Decimal logarithm   : X=LOG10(X)
;     4 - Double square root  : X=SQRT(SQRT(X))
;     5 - Exponent            : X=EXP(X)
; WARNING: Deformation function for required data value(s) is NOT used
;          if this value is < = 0 or the 5678 is exceeded for exponent
;          function
; 6. "NRM/NOR"-Coefficient(s) of normalization for X column(s):
;    -2 - Without normalization (inverse functions disabled)
;    -1 - Without normalization (inverse functions enabled)
;     0 - Normalization within +0.5 through +1.5
;     1 - Normalization within +0.0 through +1.0
;     2 - Normalization within -1.0 through +1.0
; 7. "KYC"-Y column(s) number(s) (1 through 40, equal ones possible)
; 8. "KXC"-X column(s) number(s) (1 through 40)
; Then follows data table
; Maximum data file line length    : 254 characters
; Maximum number of columns ("CLN"): 40 numbers in line
; Floating-point numbers precision : 2 through 18 decimal digits
; Calculations results file(s)     : RESINT01.REZ through RESINT39.REZ
; Unformatted ASCIIZ output file(s): ASCIIZ01.REZ through ASCIIZ39.REZ
; Please use ";" character for the commentary lines or to disable data row(s)
USA Temperature ExpY=F(X1,X2,X3)
2 3 62 20 3 3 6 62 7
0 0 1 1 1 1 2
0 5
0 0 0
0 0 0
2 3
4 5 6
;Temperature [Y] = F(Latitude  [X1],
;                    Longitude [X2],
;                    Altitude  [X3])
;[-] [Y1] [Y2] [X1] [X2] [X3]
;1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1. 61 61 30 88 5
2. 59 59 32 86 160
3. 30 30 58 134 50
4. 64 64 33 112 1090
5. 51 51 34 92 286
6. 65 65 34 118 340
7. 55 55 37 112 65
8. 42 42 39 104 5280
9. 34 34 41 72 40
10. 41 41 39 75 135
11. 44 44 38 77 25
;******** Data line below is wrong ************
12. 67 67 34 81 20
;********* Data line below is correct *********
;12. 67 67 29 81 20
13. 74 74 24 81 5
14. 76 76 25 80 10
15. 52 52 33 84 1050
16. 79 79 21 157 21
17. 36 36 43 116 2704
18. 33 33 41 87 595
19. 37 37 39 86 710
20. 29 29 41 93 805
21. 27 27 42 90 620
22. 42 42 37 97 1290
23. 44 44 38 85 450
24. 64 64 29 90 5
25. 32 32 43 70 25
26. 44 44 39 76 20
27. 37 37 42 71 21
28. 33 33 42 83 585
29. 23 23 46 84 650
30. 22 22 44 93 815
31. 40 40 38 90 455
32. 29 29 46 112 4155
33. 32 32 41 95 1040
34. 32 32 43 71 290
35. 43 43 39 74 10
36. 46 46 35 106 4945
37. 31 31 42 73 20
38. 40 40 40 73 55
39. 51 51 35 80 720
40. 52 52 35 78 365
41. 20 20 46 100 1674
42. 41 41 39 84 550
43. 35 35 41 81 660
44. 46 46 35 97 1195
45. 44 44 45 122 77
46. 39 39 40 76 365
47. 40 40 39 75 100
48. 61 61 32 79 9
49. 34 34 44 103 3230
50. 49 49 36 86 450
51. 50 50 35 101 3685
52. 61 61 29 94 5
53. 64 64 29 95 40
54. 37 37 40 111 4390
55. 25 25 44 73 110
56. 50 50 36 76 10
57. 44 44 47 122 10
58. 31 31 47 117 1890
59. 26 26 43 89 860
60. 28 28 43 87 635
61. 37 37 41 104 6100
62. 81 81 18 66 35

"USA Temperature" (with wrong twelfth data line) calculations results example file "RESINT01.REZ" listing below:
OS RSSSP/101E RESINT FE v4.44(20200606vi0) Copyright(C)1994-2020 RANDEC Ltd. Thu 13-AUG-2020 08:50.24
"MATISS PARAUDZENS" + 80686(2600MHz)"Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E4700  @ 2.60GHz"
XNU = 3  ELN = 20 VNU = 3  MNU = 62         NRM:  0  0  0
         DGN = 7  CLN = 6  PNU = 62         NLX:  0  0  0
                           DVN = 3          NLY:  0

   KXC     A               B           XMin            XMax
 1  4  5.000000E-0002  2.500000E-0002  18.             58.
 2  5 -2.252747E-0001  1.098901E-0002  66.             157.
 3  6  4.991797E-0001  1.640689E-0004  5.              6100.

 Y0 = 44.12903   SIGMA = 14.74425     KYC = 2 

USA Temperature    CORRELATION: 83.09 %   SIGMA: 2.492918           20
! -909.2696        !  0  0  0  0  0  ! -100.5569        !  1  0  0  0  0  !
!  1181.790        !  2  0  0  0  0  !  560.0684        ! -3  0  0  0  0  !
! -768.5586        !  3  0  0  0  0  !  40.53713        ! -1  2  0  0  0  !
! -125.7148        ! -2 -2  0  0  0  ! -142.7202        ! -1 -1  0  0  0  !
! -418.6960        !  1  2  0  0  0  !  439.0523        ! -2  3  0  0  0  !
! -242.1939        ! -3  1  0  0  0  ! -70.67961        !  1  1  0  0  0  !
! -94.10589        !  3  3  0  0  0  ! -550.5573        ! -3  2  0  0  0  !
!  443.5118        !  1  3  0  0  0  !  129.4624        ! -2 -1  0  0  0  !
!  200.1793        ! -2  1  0  0  0  !  333.2429        ! -3  1  2  0  0  !
!  145.4418        ! -1 -1  3  0  0  ! -5.025505        ! -3 -3 -3  0  0  !

 1- 83.09   2- 83.26   3- 83.35   4- 83.21   5- 83.31   6- 83.02   7- 82.74  
 8- 82.63   9- 81.90  10- 81.21  11- 80.99  12- 75.43  13- 72.83  14- 71.97  
15- 64.97  16- 64.56  17- 62.78  18- 53.28  19-  5.06  

USA Temperature    CORRELATION: 80.99 %   SIGMA: 2.802184           11
! -168.1354        !  0  0  0  0  0  !  347.3492        !  5  0  0  0  0  !
!  191.5344        ! -6  0  0  0  0  ! -149.1795        !  6  0  0  0  0  !
! -26.05247        ! -4 -4  0  0  0  ! -108.9044        !  4  5  0  0  0  !
!  144.5021        ! -5  6  0  0  0  ! -135.4072        ! -6  4  0  0  0  !
! -168.4346        ! -6  5  0  0  0  !  117.8508        ! -6  4  5  0  0  !

 I+                       + +      +    +  ++++ ++++++ O+++++++++++++  ++   +I

  12/ -11.14936        Y =  67.              20/  4.246329        Y =  29.

 ** WARNING: Deviation more than 3*SIGMA for 12 line. PROGNOSIS: Y = 55.85063

  29/ -6.130908        Y =  23.               9/  3.514962        Y =  34.
   4/ -5.543660        Y =  64.              52/  3.375429        Y =  61.

USA Temperature    CORRELATION: 62.78 %   SIGMA: 5.487871           17
!  28.86566        !  0  0  0  0  0  !  50.33442        ! -6  0  0  0  0  !
! -50.85783        ! -6  4  0  0  0  !  12.17659        ! -6  4  5  0  0  !

 I+         +   +    + + +  ++ ++++++ +++O ++++++ +++ ++ ++    +   +    +   +I

  12/ -14.55390        Y =  67.              16/  12.72258        Y =  79.
   4/ -10.72946        Y =  64.              30/  11.61242        Y =  22.
  51/ -9.125856        Y =  50.              41/  11.54113        Y =  20.

USA Temperature    CORRELATION: 53.28 %   SIGMA: 6.888859           18
!  32.58815        !  0  0  0  0  0  !  46.09986        ! -6  0  0  0  0  !
! -39.50728        ! -6  4  0  0  0  !                  !                 !

 I+              +  + ++ +      +  +  + ++  +++++++O+++++ ++++ +++++  +++ + +I

   3/ -23.35096        Y =  30.              30/  11.64121        Y =  22.

 ** WARNING: Deviation more than 3*SIGMA for 3 line. PROGNOSIS: Y = 6.649036

  57/ -15.99745        Y =  44.              41/  10.89671        Y =  20.
   4/ -14.40486        Y =  64.              21/  9.984613        Y =  27.

USA Temperature    STATISTICS
!   1- 83.09  !  20  !  2.492918        ! -100.5569        !  4  0  0  0  0  !
!   2- 83.26  !  19  !  2.468565        ! -5.668870        ! -6 -6 -6  0  0  !
!   3- 83.35  !  18  !  2.454460        !  69.19037        ! -4  5  0  0  0  !
!   4- 83.21  !  17  !  2.475392        ! -43.26837        !  4  4  0  0  0  !
!   5- 83.31  !  16  !  2.460433        !  111.1544        ! -5  4  0  0  0  !
!   6- 83.02  !  15  !  2.503060        !  31.43858        ! -5 -4  0  0  0  !
!   7- 82.74  !  14  !  2.545204        ! -32.93293        !  6  6  0  0  0  !
!   8- 82.63  !  13  !  2.561532        !  147.2459        ! -4 -4  6  0  0  !
!   9- 81.90  !  12  !  2.669250        !  144.8878        !  4  6  0  0  0  !
!  10- 81.21  !  11  !  2.770117        ! -19.80007        ! -5 -5  0  0  0  !
!  11- 80.99  !  10  !  2.802184        ! -149.1795        !  6  0  0  0  0  !
!  12- 75.43  !   9  !  3.622134        !  24.44636        ! -5  6  0  0  0  !
!  13- 72.83  !   8  !  4.006319        ! -5.224061        ! -4 -4  0  0  0  !
!  14- 71.97  !   7  !  4.132634        ! -143.2578        !  4  5  0  0  0  !
!  15- 64.97  !   6  !  5.164777        !  47.83973        !  5  0  0  0  0  !
!  16- 64.56  !   5  !  5.225287        ! -17.02448        ! -6  5  0  0  0  !
!  17- 62.78  !   4  !  5.487871        !  12.17659        ! -6  4  5  0  0  !
!  18- 53.28  !   3  !  6.888859        ! -39.50728        ! -6  4  0  0  0  !
!  19-  5.06  !   2  !  13.99810        !  13.05696        ! -6  0  0  0  0  !


   N     10     20     30     40     50     60     70     80     90    100 ELIMINATED FUNCTION
 20!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!   4  0  0  0  0
 19!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!  -6 -6 -6  0  0
 18!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!  -4  5  0  0  0
 17!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!   4  4  0  0  0
 16!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!  -5  4  0  0  0
 15!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!  -5 -4  0  0  0
 14!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!O-----!------!   6  6  0  0  0
 13!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!O-----!------!  -4 -4  6  0  0
 12!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!O-----!------!   4  6  0  0  0
 11!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------O------!------!  -5 -5  0  0  0
 10!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------O------!------!   6  0  0  0  0
  9!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!--O---!------!------!  -5  6  0  0  0
  8!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!O-----!------!------!  -4 -4  0  0  0
  7!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!O-----!------!------!   4  5  0  0  0
  6!------!------!------!------!------!------!--O---!------!------!------!   5  0  0  0  0
  5!------!------!------!------!------!------!--O---!------!------!------!  -6  5  0  0  0
  4!------!------!------!------!------!------!O-----!------!------!------!  -6  4  5  0  0
  3!------!------!------!------!------!-O----!------!------!------!------!  -6  4  0  0  0
  2!--O---!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!------!  -6  0  0  0  0
   0     10     20     30     40     50     60     70     80     90    100

"USA Temperature" elapsed time 2s867ms420us799ns (Epsilon_64: 5.42101086242752217E-0020), thanks!

The latest available "RESINT" version will be included in the software CD

Free USB (Universal Serial Bus) port is required to attach the Aladdin HASP (Hardware Against Software Piracy) Security Key

1. https://lv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilnis_Egl%C4%81js

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-11

3. Vanags J. J., Rikmanis M. A., Ushkans E. J., Viesturs U. E. (1990). "Stirring Characteristics in Bioreactors". American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Journal, 1361-1369.

4. Rikmanis M. A., Vanags J. J., Ushkans E. J., Viesturs U. E. (1987). "Distribution of Energy Introduced into Bioreactors with Various Constructions of Stirrers and Rheological Properties of the Liquid". Abstr., Cong. on Biotechnol., Amsterdam, 110.

5. Ruklisha M. P., Vanags J. J., Rikmanis M. A., Toma M. K., Viesturs U. E. "Biochemical Reactions of  Brevibacterium flavum Depending on Medium Stirring Intensity and Flow Structure". Acta Biotechnologica 9 (1989) 6, 565-575, Akademie-Verlag Berlin.

6. Smite I. A., Eglajs, V. O.Ruklisa M. P., Viesturs U. E. "Biosynthesis of Polyribonucleotide phosphorylase and Polyribonucleotides by E. coli". Acta Biotechnologica 2 (1982) 4, 359-368.

7. M. Rikmanis, J. Vanags, E. Ushkans and U. Viesturs: “Stirring characteristics in bioreactors”, In: Proc. Congress CHISA’ 87, 1987, paper E9-137.

8. J. Vanags, M. Rikmanis, E. Uschkans, J. Grants and U. Viesturs: “Entwicklung eines Gerätes zur Messung der Vermichungsintensität in Bioreaktoren”, 4. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium Wissenschaftliche Geräte für die Biotechnologie, DDR, Heiligenstadt, 1988, pp. 282–287 (in German).

9. M. Rikmanis, J. Vanags, J. Grants and E. Ushkans: “The optimum stirring regime during microorganism cultivation”, In: Proc. 10th Congress CHISA’ 90, 1990, paper J4-3.

10. Eglajs, V. (1981). "Approximation of table data by multidimensional regression equation" (Russian). Problems of Dynamics and Strengths. 39 (Riga: Zinatne Publishing House): 120-125.

11. Eglajs, V. O. (1980). "Synthesis of a Regression Model of  an Object on the Basis of Table Data" (Russian). Izv. AN LatvSSR, Ser. Phiz. i Tekhn. Nauk, 4, 107.

Note: The original "RESINT" version on a CM-4 computer in the RSX-11M operating system was used for calculations

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