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Apollo -1M to improve potency IR MAGNET VACUUM PEMF  PROFESSIONAL

Background creation

Modern man got into a vicious circle: potency problems cause decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse, which causes stagnation of blood and lymph flow in his urinary system. As a result, it triggered a powerful process of "aging", that is, tissue damage due to ischemia (oxygen deprivation) Local immunity and reduction of chronic inflammation, as well as increased growth of cholesterol in the arteries of the pelvis. Over time, the normal sexual life is only in the memories, and a vicious circle.

Soviet doctors aerospace medicine first in the world have achieved stunning success in restoring potency. They were engaged in sexual rehabilitation of astronauts returning from orbit: they observed almost 100% of persistent sexual dysfunction due to active "aging" of the urogenital system in conditions of weightlessness. The method developed by these brilliant scientists provided a massive influx of "fresh" blood in the pelvic area without a single injection. Sexopathologists simply place the lower part of the body of an astronaut in "vacuum" pants called "machine Chibis" and carried him to the course of such procedures, providing a full return potential. Legendary apparatus "Chibis" was borrowed from the Americans, and in the US it has also become the basis of sexual rehabilitation of male astronauts. In 2000, the "Chibis" was awarded the State Prize of Russia. 
The basis of trouble-free operation of this method, regardless of age and health status of men is long known to doctors principle autohemotherapy - treatment of a human by administering him his own blood.


Autohemotherapy References to the effectiveness of this method is still found in the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus of the XV century BC. In 1905, the famous German surgeon Professor August Bier (August Bier) noted that broken bones and cuts his patients heal much faster when he introduced them into the thigh of their own blood. This caused him to seriously engage in the study of this phenomenon and to the scientific community the first comprehensive treatise on autohemotherapy. 
Since then, the treatment of his own blood has become a standard method of struggle with a variety of diseases, and its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous scientific papers. Attempts to solve the problems with potency using classical autohemotherapy (injections of the patient's own blood) were made repeatedly by doctors, however, did not bring much success. As it turned out, the volume of blood transfused in the form of injection (10 ml), is simply not sufficient to run multiple processes rejuvenation and regeneration of the genitourinary system. 

- This treatment is a man of his own blood.


Today, all men are dissatisfied with their potency became available "descendant" of the legendary "Chibisa" designed specifically for home use. He was named "Apollo" in honor of Russian and American scientists for 20 years using this technique as a major in Russian and the United States. 
Its development was made possible when sexopathologists confirmed that the nature of the problems with the potency of the astronauts and the "earth" men are absolutely identical, but differs only in the pace of "aging".

"Apollo" provides an active flow of "fresh" blood in the groin area, suffering from the effects of stagnation, chronic inflammation, and oxygen deficiency in men with reduced sexual activity.

As it is known, it is a powerful stimulant autohaemotherapy local immunity process and regeneration of damaged tissues. Therefore, this type of exposure leads to the full restoration of the structure and function of the male organs, including the penis, testicles, prostate, and the vessels of the pelvis. The results of the device "Apollo" is maintained for at least 10 years.

So, how does the course of procedures with the device "Apollo" will allow the man once and for all forget about the problems with potency? 
On this topic is not protected by a thesis, written numerous scientific articles. In a nutshell, the course autohemotherapy groin with the module "Apollo" launches 2 powerful process: 
A) the regeneration of damaged tissue 
B) cell activation of local immunity, which "eat" latent infections, atherosclerotic plaques and modified (Evolving) cells. 
Read more about the action of "Apollo".

Full safety of the device "Apollo" is associated with only a local effect on his sexual organ and pelvic men.


The principle of operation of the module "Apollo"
1. Due to enhanced blood supply to regenerate damaged tissue of the testes. As a result, they recovered production of testosterone (the main male hormone) at the age norm. Such an amount of testosterone in men and 70 years is necessary and sufficient to maintain a high sex drive, a good psycho-emotional state and physical health in general.

2. Autohemotherapy groin provides local activation of immune cells - lymphocytes and macrophages. As a result, it eliminates all the hidden genitourinary infections and related inflammatory processes in the penis, prostate, testis, and the entire pelvic area as a whole. Freed from asymptomatic chronic inflammation of the penis erectile tissues regain their elastic sponge-like structure and, consequently, the ability to actively fill with blood. In addition, eliminating inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis) and, accordingly, the risk of voiding dysfunction, adenoma and prostate cancer.

3. Autohemotherapy groin activates cells of the immune system macrophages, which by nature are designed to "eat" all the harmful and dangerous for our body. In particular, they regain their ability to "eat" cholesterol soft top layer of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries of the pelvis. It is enough to restore normal blood flow to the genitals and ensure full erection.

The mechanism of development and destruction of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels:
The vessels of the modern man, living in industrialized countries are actively developing atherosclerotic process (and, in particular, in the vessels of small pelvis). The fact that the enormous amount of blood falls toxins from a contaminated air, food dye, preservatives, and nitrates. As a result of all these poisons burn and injure the artery from the inside. Cholesterol is a "native" molecule in our body, which is to "patch up" the damage and prevent vessel rupture. However, a cholesterol adhering patch damaged new portion toxins blood cholesterol and adheres again to form the next layer of the patch. So grow atherosclerotic plaques.

Special immune cells - macrophages - which should "eat" all the harmful and dangerous objects for the body, including cholesterol plaques, poisoned and can not cope with its function. So the plaques grow, and the flow of blood through the arteries to the heart, brain, kidneys, limbs, or the penis is reduced day by day. However, while the vessel lumen is not blocked by 70%, to nourish his body rarely have symptoms of ischemia (oxygen starvation). This is the "safety margin" of our circulatory system.

Powerful autohaemotherapy provided by exposure to vacuum module "Apollo", activates macrophages. They restore its natural activity and "eat" the top "soft" (not yet petrified by salt) cholesterol, atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the pelvis. As you know, a "soft" cholesterol is, on average, 30% of the "height" of the plaque. If it manages to macrophages "eat", the lumen can only hardened cholesterol, but it is not 70% of its diameter. This means that the removal of the "soft" cholesterol will ensure the absence of symptoms of lack of blood supply (ischemia) that is open full of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis. This will ensure a high quality male erection.

Fedor, 55 years old, Volgograd 
July 15, 2012

I have very little time, but I do not want to be ungrateful pig, as many around. So I'm writing here. in short, I'm six months practicing with this device and do not get up for a little night .zavel woman. I want to see if you can get a discount if you purchase one for my brother

Ivan, Kaluga region, Yukhnov 
July 28, 2012

Guys! This is power! My cock grew by 1.5 cm! With the unit cool. I gave it to a friend he borrowed, he is satisfied.

Constantine p.Suhodol 
October 25, 2012

Hello! I was afraid to drink tablets - it was too worn out my body for years. Very happy to have found a non-drug solution to my problem. Thanks you!

Boris, Moscow 
December 2, 2012

The device is a wonderful, very convenient to have a home and do not go to med. institutions. I would have probably not been able to attend the procedure, still embarrassing somehow. And then no one will bother.

Nikolai, Voronezh 
March 3, 2013

I do not know what good people have come up with such a device. Easy to use and most importantly is effective. I recommend to everyone

Vasyl O., Astrakhan 
March 24, 2013

It has long been experiencing problems with potency. My wife brought this device and persuaded to try it. The device is very powerful. I did not think that at my age you can easily restore potency

Iskander, Kazan 
May 24, 2013

Hello I had a very long prostatitis tried a bunch of drugs. It helped only Apollo. It is very convenient that you can use at home

Andrew, Irkutsk 
May 30, 2013

I started having problems with urination. Very often I walked to the bathroom and unpleasant sensations. Plus problems in sex. It turned running prostatitis. With this device, I quickly recovered.

Paul Mikhnevo 
July 5, 2013

Effectiveness acts, most importantly quickly and without harm to health.

Maxim V., Arkhangelsk 
July 10, 2013

Union Apollo module is very easy to use. And doctors do not need to go on the procedures.

Eugene, Bogorodsk 
July 15, 2013

With instrument Union Apollo quickly got rid of chronic inflammation. Go was adjusted intimate life

Peter Voronezh 
December 12, 2013

I bought Apollo Union mainly for prevention Somehow I do not want to wake up one morning and be impotent.

Paul K., Sochi 
December 22, 2013

Apollo Union is working at 100%. but the need for a full recovering of course take the full course. It took me four months again to feel man.

Gleb, Barnaul 
May 2, 2014

Like that is not only medical but also the effect it gives you a very pleasant procedure



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