BLUE KYANITE       (sold singularly, Grade A, 20mm +)

Spirituality Self-Expression Honesty

Blue Kyanite is a rare form of the crystal remarked for its lustrous sheets of

 intricate lattice. Appearing in a shade of teal blue, this stunning variety of Kyanite 

can further personal growth & the spiritual journey through its connection to the 

throat chakra. Blue Kyanite benefits not just honesty of mind, but the ability to 

speak your truth as well. 

Blue Kyanite connects with the Throat Chakra & is one of the most powerful 

crystals for throat chakra work. It is especially beneficial for people who have had 

surgery in the throat area or experienced any physical harm there. If there has been 

any damage done near the throat chakra region, Blue Kyanite can aid in the healing

 process by bridging the energy gaps.

Blue Kyanite crystals also facilitate open, honest, & authentic communication. By 

clearing the energy blocks clogging your fifth chakra, blue kyanite permits a better 

flow of energy to assist in self-expression & communication. The Blue Kyanite 

meaning allows you to get honest with others, & with yourself. It encourages you to 

dive deeper into your truth, & learn to speak your truth in all situations. To better 

support your ability to communicate authentically, Blue Kyanite crystals provide 

relief from anxiety & a dose of peaceful energy to help you express yourself.

As a high vibrational stone, Blue Kyanite healing properties are linked to spiritual 

expansion. These crystals raise your consciousness & strengthen your connection 

to your truest, highest self. Working with a Blue Kyanite crystal connects you to 

higher states of being & a higher consciousness.

Working with a Blue Kyanite crystal represents your innate desire to communicate

& express yourself more truthfully. When it’s hard to speak your truth, either by 

admitting something to yourself or sharing your authentic self with others, Blue 

Kyanite healing properties allow you to do so with more grace & confidence.

Hold your Blue Kyanite crystal in your non-writing hand as you write down 

something you need to be more honest about. When you are finished, place your 

Blue Kyanite crystal on top as a reminder to express yourself openly & honestly.