
Genuine Clymer Products:

Whether it is routine maintenance, such as tune-ups and brake service,or more extensive repairs involving engine and transmission disassembly, Clymer manuals provide reliable information required to perform the job. Accurate, clear and concise text, combined with detailed illustration, exploded parts views and photography, make it possible for the novice enthusiast to safely and enjoyably service, troubleshoot and repair their vehicle. While at the same time, the in-depth coverage provides indispensable information for those tackling more complicated procedures.

Product Details:

Whether it is simple maintenance or complete restoration, do not start work without Clymer, the leader in service manuals
Save yourself time and frustration with these procedures and techniques used by the professionals
Comprehensive manuals contain exploded views, drawings, specifications and charts that illustrate each job
Feature shortcut repairs and high-performance modifications

About Us:

LeClare Powersports is a small-town Parts and Accessories store in Springfield, MO. Our low overhead allows us to offer better prices than the 'Big Boys', but our owner-operated store allows us to give our customers the great customer service they deserve.

We only sell brand new, high quality GENUINE name-brand aftermarket parts...no junk, no knock offs and no "seconds". Buy with confidence!