Does The Bible Teach That Mary Is Sinless? (Yes)

Mary's Sinlessness and Immaculate Conception: A Biblical Documentary

This is an extremely important and revealing documentary.  


This is a must-see video. It covers many things people have not heard before. Among numerous other things, this video shows, with an extremely important new argument, how Mary’s sinlessness is actually proven by an epistle of St. Paul and the admissions of Protestants. Among the many issues covered are: Luke 1:28; Ephesians 1:6; the use, meaning and significance of kecharitomene [κεχαριτωμένη], echaritosen [ἐχαρίτωσεν], charitoo [χαριτῶ]; ‘full of grace’; amomous [ἀμώμους]; preservation from sin; Redemption; grace; the meaning and effects of original sin; concupiscence (the ‘fomes peccati’); Old Testament justification; Adam and Eve; regeneration; the teaching of Trent; Mary as the New Eve; Mary as ‘the woman’ of Genesis 3:15; Mary as the New Ark; episkiazo [ἐπισκιάζω]; Mary’s name; the vocative case; the ‘seed of the woman’; ploutos [πλοῦτος]; and much more. This video also contains sections that refute the objections most commonly advanced against Mary’s Immaculate Conception and sinlessness: e.g. from 1 John 1:8 and Romans. This video is a must-see for anyone interested in Christianity, the Catholic faith, Catholic apologetics, salvation, the Bible, the teaching of the New Testament, and the truth.

→ This DVD is one of the most important DVDs that has ever been produced on the Christian/Catholic Faith. ←

In addition to the above title about the Blessed Virgin Mary, this excellent 9in1 Apologetics DVD also includes:

What Millions of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians;

The Bible On Justification (Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie) – The Truth That Will Shock Many;

The Bible On The Papacy;

The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”;

Eastern “Orthodoxy's“ Fatal Flaw On Bishops and Ecumenical Councils;

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?;

Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God;

Can A Christian Lose Salvation?;

What Is The Gift Of Languages Mentioned In the Bible?

Probably the most powerful information you will ever see or hear... 

This DVD is homemade (with permission) and is a must-see to understand these difficult times and to save one's soul.