Instructions at Youtube:""

Please don't buy if you don't have skills to work with VFD's

This is a panel from a Cisco KMM3000, it was sold worldwide under different brands.
This panel have input direct to 2 ADC and many port I/O.
You can add a ISP port to program it by using (MISO,MOSI, SCK & Reset)
It can be used to a multimeter or a amperemeter or other applications.

You will stay front a powerful SDK to ATMEGA 88/168/328 with a VFD display, buttons 
and a Infra Red receiver.

You can program it whit Microchip Studio and a UTK500 or any arduino as it a ISP.

This is a ideal panel to the people work with Arduino. The code to load is available on github and it can be easly changed to load different messages and functions.

If you get the hang of soldering, you can replace the Atmega88 with an Atmega328. See the instructions for this step on youtube!
The code and pins are the same for both uC control.