A little wonky and micro checking on this one.

Black and White Ebony  (Botanical: Diosypros malabarica)

Black and White Ebony Characteristics

Often called Pale Moon Ebony, this wood can be very dramatically figured with dark black views contrasting the lighter base color.  Density varies significantly depending upon the concentration of darker veins.  This ebony is expensive and can be very difficult to dry without checking.  Workability can be better than other Diospyros genus woods.

Color Range

Heartwood is a pale straw color, with darker black streaks throughout; some pieces may be predominantly black rather than white. Sapwood is a paler white color, not always clearly defined.

Other Names

Black and White Ebony, Pale Moon Ebony, Laos Ebony

Typical Use:

Musical instruments, turning, inlay, and accents.

Tree Characteristics:

The tree is 50 to100 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 1 to 3 feet.

Black and White Ebony grows:

Laos and Southeast Asia.