A beautiful flower that is easy to grow. A free flowering spreading plant with semi-double and double flowers, ideal for borders and cutting. Height 18 inches. Full sun and well drained soil. 7 weeks. Flowers June to September.

Either direct sow seed (May to June) thinly in rows 30cm apart, and lightly cover with fine soil. Firm soil gently and keep moist. When large enough thin to 25cm apart. Best sown this way as they don’t like their roots distrurbed.

Alternatively sow seed in small individual pots (March to April) cover with a thin layer of seed compost/vermiculite. Water & keep under cover at 20°C & germination will take 7-14 days. Grow on at 15°C & when seedlings large enough 'harden off' for a few days before planting out (25cm apart, in rows 30cm apart) in late May

Additional rare and unusual seed varieties are constantly being added. To check out our shop CLICK HERE to see some of our other seeds.