
Samhain is the last of the three harvest sabbats . Literally it means summers end . Celts had two seasons summer and winter , so Samhain marks the decent into the winter months . Samhain for pagans also marks the new year , the completion of the years cycle , a magical spiritual time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. It a time of welcoming our ancestors into our homes to pay homage , celebrate and gain strength from their guidance and love . Seasonal foods adorn our Altars as we give thanks for nature’s bounty. The Crone aspect of the Goddess represents this time of endings at the same time she looks to Yule to the emergence of the young Sun God. When designing this poppet I have tried to incorporate the essence of this magical time with a traditional kitchen witch . My beautiful Crone poppet is in the colours of Autumn with a splash of spiritual purple , she has silver tulle head band to represent her experience and knowledge . Her spiral charm represents the turning of the year . Size 13 cm x 9cm I include a card and organza bag. A great gift for your favourite Wiccan