Remember Lovegety?

Lovegety is a matchmaking device available only in japan which allows users to find potential dates that match their personal preferences in the vicinity. There have been over 1,300,000 of these units sold in Japan at an approximate price of $21. There are three modes users can pre-select on their device that reflect the mood they are currently in and hence what kind of partner they are looking for. These include “let’s just chat”, “let’s go sing some  and “get2” modes. The devices can be set to interact with each other when a potential mate is within close proximity (15 feet) or to simply notify a user of others who are currently set to the same mood.


Well this device takes it 1 step further. It's called LOVE  Scope. It does so many things best you look at the picture to read it all. This thing was awesome in it's day. 


Please note that these have been in our store for over 10 years. The batteries may not work or last long. You can buy these batteries dirt cheap though and your pet should work fine.