Gladioli Nanus Las Vegas

'Sword Lily'

Pack of 10 bulbs

These beautiful yellow and vivd orange gladiolus blossoms alternate up straight stems, bringing life to a sleepy garden with it's attractive splash of color and a subtle, linear structure anywhere they're planted.

This dazzling and unique Gladiolus variety is sure to add a touch of class to your perennial border.

Excellent choice for lovers of early summer flowering bulbs.

Growing to a height of just 40-60cm, these fabulous Gladioli are perfect for growing in patio pots and containers or in the summer border in a sheltered location.

They look stunning planted in groups among shrubs and large herbaceous flowers in a border.

Gladioli Nanus Las Vegas is suitable to plant in succession in the spring when the danger of frost has passed, usually from early March onwards to July at fortnightly intervals  or can be planted in Autumn (September to December) for blomming in early spring 

This ensures a continuity of flowers throughout the summer months.

The flowers are produced from early summer to September and make excellent cut-flowers. 

If Nanus Las Vegas is planted in late spring flowering may take another year 

Planting: Autumn (between September and December) or Spring (from March till July)

Flowering: May - September


Very easy to grow

Attracts Bees and  Butterflies

Flower colour: yellow with orange/red edges
Full grown height: 60-80cm
Plant location: sunny or partial shade
Plant depth: 10-15cm
Spacing: 10-15cm apart
Preferred soil: Grows in any well drained soil

Hardiness: H5 Hardy in most places throughout the UK (-15 to -10)

Planting & Growing Instructions

Plant gladioli corms about 10-15cm deep and about 10-15cm apart.  We recommend planting your Gladioli in a sunny position (full sun or partial sun is fine) in fertile well drained soil. Gladioli look fantastic planted in clumps. Planting: Autumn (between September and December) or Spring (from March till July). Planting can be done in succession from early March onwards to June at fortnightly intervals. This ensures a continuity of flowers throughout the summer months. When planting in a heavy soil, place some sand underneath each corm to help with drainage. Gladiolus will take 70-90 days to flower

Cultural Instructions

You can water regularly as the growth begins to appear and you can dead head when flowers begin to die off, though make sure to leave foliage to grow throughout the summer. Let the flowers die back naturally as this feeds the bulbs for next year. 

Nanus Las Vegas is hardy but still needs thick mulch covering in extreme winter conditions and they will re appear next year

You will receive pack of 10 top quality bulbs, size 7/8 in eco-friendly recyclable packaging with detailed instructions included

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