17 Piece Wedding Bouquet Package

Red Roses & Yellow Sunflowers

with White Ribbon & Diamond Head Pins


This bridal bouquet package includes a handmade wedding flower set for the entire bridal party!


This wedding is a great bouquet package alternative to live flowers because you get to keep it for as long as you want. No need to pay extra for flower preservation!


Flowers included in this bouquet set:Red Roses, Yellow Sunflowers


Included in this wedding package:

  • 1 Bridal Wedding Bouquet
  • 5 Bridesmaid Bouquets
  • 2 Mother's Corsages
  • 1 Groom Boutonniere
  • 6 Groomsmen Boutonnieres
  • 2 Father's Boutonnieres


All bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages are handmade. Flowers included are artificial flowers with satin ribbon. Decorative diamond head pins are included to attach to lapel.


I try to take all wedding flower pictures outside in natural sunlight. I think this gives the best representation of the flowers and their colors.Of course, the colors my vary a little from screen to screen, depending on your settings.


Handmade in Tennessee! - All flower packages are handmade by me. After making most of the flower arrangements and decorations for my own wedding, I realized I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to keep making them for others. It was also such a cost effective way to have a beautiful wedding, that I feel others should have an affordable yet beautiful option to celebrate their fairy tale wedding.


Personalized Wedding Bouquets Available!

I am happy to make Custom Bridal Bouquet Packages and other Wedding Flower Arrangements, provided that the flowers and colors you request are available. Just email me with your custom flower request and I will let you know about availability, pricing, and time frame. Feel free to send any inspiration pictures that you want as well!


Thank You for Looking!


Please Check Out My Other Auctions for Coordinating Wedding Items,


Including Guest Favors, Flower Letters, Ring Bearer Pillows, Centerpieces and More!






If you have any questions please send me a message before bidding or using the Buy It Now option as there are no refunds. I have made sure to describe the items included as accurately as possible, but if you have questions, be sure to ask. I will try to answer all questions as soon as possible.


I ship to the continental US only and PayPal payment is required within 3 days of auction closings from the winning bidder. If no payment or communication from the winning bidder is received within 3 days, the item will be re-listed. Serious Buyers Only Please. Thank you.

