Our HECS stretch-fit hunting camo gloves are made with our patented, conductive grid technology. This grid technology we’ve developed blocks the electrical energy your body puts off when your heart beats and your muscles move.

These lightweight and stretch-fit gloves are designed to be comfortable, and they can be worn alone or as a liner.

If you’re not sure about your glove size, measure your dominant hand (right or left) at its widest point around your knuckles (thumb excluded) – this will be your glove size.

Gloves Sizing Chart

If your heart is beating and your muscles are moving, you need a HECS®

Muscle movements produce an electrical energy field that animals are capable of detecting. HECS® is the only technology available that blocks your energy, preventing wildlife from sensing your presence.

HECS® technology uses a highly conductive and interlocking carbon fiber grid specifically designed to block your electrical energy field. This grid is woven directly into all HECS® fabrics and is lightweight, breathable, and durable.