

These Vintage and Rare books range in publication date between 1802 and 1923

The compilation is ideal for historical or genealogical research in the early part of the 20th century and prior to this date.

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The Books on the DVD are in the public domain and therefore no copyright rules have been breached. There may be some imperfections due to ageing, deletions of added notes and pen markings as they have been scanned from original books. However all the books are fully legible except for one book which has a page with some missing text .This is noted on the list below.

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The Books are on a DVD-R and will not be readable with some CD-ROM Drives and Operating Systems prior to Windows XP. However a full refund will be given if DVD is returned within 30 Days.

Price wise you will are getting them at a bargain as the physical copies are valued at more than £2000 on an online book site and this price does not include postage.

The following books are in number order. The PDF file book descriptions on the DVD have the equivalent numbers for ease of reference. They are also categorized into six sections namely books on 1General History 2 Rebellions 3 English Rule 4 Land Tenure 5 Poor Laws and 6 Home Rule.


1 A Collection of Tracts and Treatises illustrative of the Natural History, Antiquities, and the Political and Social State of Ireland at various periods prior to the present century Vol I.1861

2 A Collection of Tracts and Treatises illustrative of the Natural History, Antiquities, and the Political and Social State of Ireland at various periods prior to the present century Vol II.1861

3 An Outline of Ireland’s story by the Author of “Christianity in England before Augustine” 1914.

4 Irish Nationalism: An Appeal to History by the Duke of Argyll 1893.



5 Ninety Eight: being the Recollections of Cormac Cahir O’Connor Faly by Patrick C Faly (his grandson) 1897.

6 The Croppy; A Tale of the Irish Rebellion of 1798 by the O’Hara family (Michael Banim) 1896.

7 A Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland from 1641 to 1652 by John T Gilbert VOL II 1880.

8 A Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland from 1641 to 1652 by John T Gilbert VOL III 1880.

9 The Ulster Civil war of 1641 and its Consequences with the History of the Irish Brigade under Montrose in 1644-46 by John McDonnell 1879.

10 When Cromwell came to Drogheda: a memory of 1641 edited from the record by Clarence Stranger a Captain in the Army of Owen Roe O’Neill by Randal McDonnell 1906.

11 A History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth 1633.VOL I.

12 A History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth 1633.VOL II.

13 History of the Rebellion in Ireland in the year 1798 containing an impartial account of the proceedings of the Irish Revolutionists from the year 1782 to the Suppression of the Rebellion by Rev James Gordon 1803.

14 Memoirs of Miles Byrne 1907.VOL I.

15 Memoirs of Miles Byrne 1907.VOL II.

16 Stolen Waters; a page in the Conquest of Ulster by T M Healy 1913.

17 The French Invasion of Ireland in ’98; Leaves of unwritten history that tell of a heroic endeavour and a lost opportunity to throw off England’s Yoke by Valerian Gribayedoff 1890.

18 The War in Wexford: An Account of the Rebellion in the South of Ireland in 1798 told from original documents by H F B Wheeler and A M Broadley 1910.

19 History of the Rise, Progress and the Suppression of the Rebellion in the County of Wexford in 1798 by George Taylor 1907.

20 An Impartial History of the late Rebellion in Ireland and of the Union between Great Britain and Ireland by Patrick Duigenan.

21 Life of Theobold Wolfe tone written by himself and continued by his son; with his political writings and fragments of his diary whilst agent to the general and sub-committee of the Catholics of Ireland and secretary to the delegation who presented their petition to his majesty George III. Also included is his mission to France to procure the aid of the French and Batavian republics, for the liberation of Ireland. The expeditions of Bantry Bay, the Texel and of that wherein he fell. The narrative of his trial, defence before the Court Martial and death.1826 VOL 1.

22 Life of Theobold Wolfe tone written by himself and continued by his son; with his political writings and fragments of his diary whilst agent to the general and sub-committee of the Catholics of Ireland and secretary to the delegation who presented their petition to his majesty George III.Also included is his mission to France to procure the aid of the French and Batavian republics, for the liberation of Ireland. The expeditions of Bantry Bay, the Texel and of that wherein he fell. The narrative of his trial, defence before the Court Martial and death.1826 VOL II..

23 The Bloody Bridge and Other Papers relating to the Insurrection of 1641 by Thomas Fitzpatrick 1903.

24 The Irish Rebellion of 1641 with a History of the Events which led up to and succeeded it by Lord Ernest Hamilton 1920.

25 The Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation by Jonah Barrington 1896

26 The Widow’s Son or the Pikeman of ’98 by Con O’Leary 1869.

27 History of the Irish Insurrection of 1798 giving an authentic account of the Battles fought between the Insurgents and the Kings Army and the genuine history of the transactions preceding that event by Edward Hay 1802.

28 Sinn Fein Rebellion Handbook 1916.

29 Tales of the R.I.C. 1921.

30 The Sinn Fein Rebellion as I saw it by Mrs Hamilton Norway 1916.


31 Diarmaid MacMorrogh or the Conquest of Ireland an Historical tale of the 12th Century by John Quincy Adams 1832.

32 The English in Ireland in the 18th century by James Anthony Froude 1873 VOL I.

33 The English in Ireland in the 18th century by James Anthony Froude 1874 VOL II.

34 The English in Ireland in the 18th century by James Anthony Froude 1874 VOL III.

35 Ireland under English Rule or a Plea for the Plaintiff by Thomas Addis Emmet 1903 Vol I.

36 Ireland under English Rule or a Plea for the Plaintiff by Thomas Addis Emmet 1903 Vol II.

37 Ireland under the Tudors with a succinct account of the earlier history by Richard Bagwell 1885 VOL I.

38 Ireland under the Tudors with a succinct account of the earlier history by Richard Bagwell 1885 VOL II.

39 Ireland under the Tudors with a succinct account of the earlier history by Richard Bagwell 1890 VOL III.

40 Strongbow’s Conquest of Ireland by Francis Pierrepont Barnard 1888.

41 The Doubtful Grant of Ireland by Pope Adrian IV to King Henry II investigated by Laurence Ginnell 1899.

42 Historical Portraits of Irish Chieftains and Anglo Norman Knights by Charles B Gibson 1871.

43 The English Conquest of Ireland 1166-1185, the text edited by Frederick J Furnivall 1896.

44 History of Ireland and the Irish People under  the Government of England by Samuel Smiles 1844.

45 Past  and Present Policy of England towards Ireland 1845.

46 Ireland under Elizabeth and James I Henry Morley and described by Edmund Spencer 1890.


47 The Condition and Prospects of Ireland and the Evils arising from the Present Distribution of landed property with suggestions for a remedy by Jonathan Pim 1848.

48 English Interference with Irish industries  by J.G Swift MacNeill 1886.

49 The History of Land Holding in Ireland by Joseph Fisher 1877.

50 Ireland for the Irish: a practical, peaceable and just solution to the Irish Land Question by Henry O’Neill 1868.

51 Ireland past and present embracing the Complete History of the Land Question from the earliest period to the present time by D P Conyngham and J G Curtin. Also a Complete History of the Penal Laws by Parnell and Talks about Ireland by Redpath 1887.

52 An Irish Commonwealth 1920.

53 The Irish Land Law and Land Purchase Acts 1860 to 1901 by Richard R Cherry 1903.

54 Land Lessons: Irish Parliaments and Constitutional Criticisms by Jo Gerard 1886.

55 The Land Question: What it involves and how alone it can be settled by Henry George 1884.

56 Leading Cases in Land Purchase Law edited by John Henry MaCcarthy 1892.

57 The Irish Land Laws by Alexander G Richey 1880.

58 An Outline of the Law of Landlord and Tenant and of Land Purchase in Ireland for the use of students by Thomas Henry Maxwell 1909.

59 Tenure of Land in Ireland abridged from the work of the right honourable Lord Dufferin on that subject with additions and alterations 1870.

60 The Case of Ireland stated historically from the earliest times to the present together with a Gazetteer, Geographical, Descriptive and Statistical, compiled from the latest and best authorities 1880.

61 Confiscation in Irish History by William F T Butler 1917.

62 The History of Land Tenure in Ireland by William Ernest Montgomery 1889.

63 Ireland in 1839 and 1869 by H S Thompson 1870.

64 Ireland under the Land Act: letters contributed to the standard newspaper; with an appendix of leading cases under the Act, giving the evidence in full, judicial dicta etc by E Cant-Wall 1882.

65 Land and Liberty by Laurence Ginnell 1908.

66 The Land War in Ireland being a personal narrative of events by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt 1912.

67 The League of North and South. An episode in Irish History 1850 to 1854 by Sir C Gavan Duffy 1886.

68 The Occupation of the Land in Ireland in the First half of the 19thCentury by Patrick G Dardis 1920.

69 The Parliamentary History of the Irish Land Question from 1829 to 1869 and the origin and results of the Ulster Custom by R Barry O’Brien 1880.

70 A Practical Guide to the Law of Tenant Compensation and Farm Purchase under the Irish Land Act by Robert Donnell 1871.

71 Speech of the Earl of Donoughmore in the House of Lords 1881.

72 The Tenure of Land in Ireland by T Alcock 1848.

73 Ancient Irish Deeds and Writings chiefly relating to Landed Property from the 12th to the 17th century by James Hardiman 1826.

74 Chapters and Speeches on the Irish Land Question by John Stuart Mill 1870.

75 England’s Dealings with Ireland by Dr Spence Watson 1887.

76 English Law and Irish Tenure by Frederick Waymouth Gibbs 1870.

77 The Irish Land Question: a Scheme for Peasant Proprietary in Ireland by Lewis Moffatt 1886.

78 Irish Emigration and the Tenure of Land in Ireland by Lord Dufferin 1867.

79 Irish Land and Irish Liberty: A Study of the New Lords of the Soil by Michael J F McCarthy 1911.

80 The Irish People and the Irish Land: A Letter to Lord Lifford with comments on the publications of Lord Dufferin and Lord Rosse 1867 by Isaac Butt.

81 Speech delivered by Michael Davitt in defence of the Land League 1890.

82 The Land Question: What it involves and how alone it can be settled by Henry George 1891.

83 The Land War in Ireland a History for the Times by James Godkin 1870.

84 The Life’s Work in Ireland of a Landlord who tried to do his duty by W Bence Jones 1880.

85 The Olive Branch in Ireland and its History by William O’Brien 1910.

86 Peasant Proprietary in Ireland by Richard J Kelly 1886.

87 Present Irish Questions by William O’Connor Morris 1901.

88 The Ulster Land war of 1770 (The Hearts of Steel) by Joseph Biggar 1910.

89 The Irish Problem as viewed by a Citizen of the Empire 1887.


90 History of the Irish Poor Law in Connection with the Condition of the People by Sir George Nicholls 1856.

91 Report of the Labour Commission to Ireland 1921.

Page 11 in above has some missing text

92 Poor Laws for Ireland. A measure of Justice to England or Humanity to the People of both Islands and of self-preservation for the empire with a practical development of an improved system of settlement assessment and relief by R.Montgomery Martin 1833.

93 Evils of the State of Ireland: their causes and their remedy-A Poor Law by john Revans 1837.

94 A Letter to Lord Howick on a Legal Provision for the Irish Poor; commutation of Tithes and a Provision for the Irish Roman Catholic Clergy by Nassau William Senior 1831.

95 Speech of Michael Thomas Sadler M.P for Newark on proposing Poor Laws for Ireland 1829.

96 Gleanings in the West of Ireland by the Hon and Rev S. Godolphin Osborne 1850.



97 About Ireland by E Lynn Linton 1890.

98 England’s Case against Home Rule by A V Dicey 1887.

99 Gladstone-Parnell and the Great Irish Struggle by T P O’Connor and R M McWade 1886.

100 Handbook of Home Rule being Articles on the Irish Question by James Bryce 1887.

101 A History of the Irish Parliamentary Party. Butt and Parnell: Nationhood and Anarchy the curse of the American Money by F Hugh O’Donnell 1910.VOL 1.

102 A History of the Irish Parliamentary Party. Parnell and the Lieutenants complicity and betrayal by F Hugh O’Donnell 1910.VOL 11.

103 The Home Rule Bill in Committee: Memoranda on Amendments clauses 1912.

104 Speech of Honourable E Blake M.P on Home Rule for Ireland 1886.

105 Irish Home Rule by S G Hobson 1912

106 The Irish Revolution and how it came about by William O’Brien 1923

107 The Merits of Home Rule in Ireland by Joseph Nimmo 1886.

108 Sidelights of the Home Rule Movement by Sir Robert Anderson 1906.

109 Parnell and His Island by George Moore 1887.

110 Aspects of Home Rule by Arthur James Balfour M.P. 1913.

111 Federalism and Home Rule by Pacificus 1910.

112 A Plea for the Home Government of Ireland by John George Maccarthy 1871

113 The Happy Irish by Harold Begbie 1914.

114 Ireland, The Causes of its Present Condition and the Measures Proposed for its improvement by Earl Grey K.G 1888.

115 The Irish Land Question by James  Caird 1869.

116 Is Home Rule Home Rule? By Joseph Hocking 1912.

117 Nationality and Home Rule by Arthur James Balfour M.P. 1913.

118 Perils of Home Rule: A Speech Delivered at a General Synod of the Church of Ireland 1893 by the Lord Bishop of Derry.

119 The Speeches in full of W E Gladstone M.P.and William O’Brien M.P.on Home Rule delivered in Parliament 1888.

120 Home Rule for Ireland by E J Flynn 1886.

121 The Framework for Home Rule by Erskine Childers 1911.

122 A Guide to the Home Rule Bill by J H Campbell 1912

123 The Irish Home Rule Convention. Thoughts for a Convention by George W Russell.A Defence of the Convention by Sir Horace Plunkett. An American Opinion by John Quinn.1917.

124 The Home Rule Bill by john Redmond M.P. 1912.

125 Ireland and Home Rule 1886 containing the following Articles ; Home rule by Edward Spencer Beesly; The Irish Question, Facts for Mr Parnell’s Bill; the Orange Bogey by John Joe Clancy; the Chicago Convention by J E Redmond ;The Land Crisis by Pierce Mahony; The “Castle” System by John Joe Clancy; The Truth about ’98 by J E Redmond ; Irish industries and English Legislation by John Joe Clancy; The Treatment of Minorities in Ireland by Charles Dawson ;an Irish Judge on the Irish Question by John Joe Clancy; the Opinions of Some Protestants regarding  their Irish Catholic fellow countrymen by Alfred Webb; Irish Protestants and Home Rule by J E Redmond; the alleged Massacre of 1641by Alfred Webb.

126 The Irish Question with special reference to Home Rule in Canada. Speeches by Edward Blake M.P, E.J.C Morton M.P. and Robert W Hamilton 1892.

127 Journal of the Home Rule Union Volume 1 March 1888 to February 1890.

128 The New Home Rule Policy: with an appendix containing the Home Rule Bill of 1886, Sections 25 to 28 of the Land Purchase Bill of 1886 and The Home Rule Bill of1893.

129 The Saving of Ireland, Industrial, Financial, Political by Sir George Baden Powell 1898.