Senua Copper Mesh

Pest Control

Protect your home and garden from rats, mice, birds, insects, slugs, snails and other pests!

Exclude Rodents

Barrier to Slugs and Snails.


Copper mesh DOES NOT introduce harmful chemicals and poisons into your home and garden.


Copper mesh is a humane alternative to lethal traps and poisons.

Cleaning & Antimicrobial

Copper mesh can be used as an effective cleaning utensil, the antimicrobial properties of copper lends itself to this application. These antimicrobial properties make it cleaner than iron and steel alternatives.

No Stain

Unlike iron and steel, copper’s corrosion resistance means it will not rust.

Easy to Use

Get started with nothing more than a pair of scissors!


Our copper mesh is 100% Recyclable. Check to see if your local recycling station accepts copper.

Arts and Crafts

Copper mesh can be used as a wire sculpting material or as an alternative gift wrapping material.


Copper is often used in distilling to increase proof and improve taste by removing sulphur compounds. Copper mesh is suited to distilling due to its large surface area.

How to use copper mesh:

  1. Identify any holes or openings around the structure.
  2. Snip off the amount you need for the opening.
  3. Work the mesh into the opening to create a barrier that rodents will not be able to get through.


Package includes: 1 x Senua copper rodent mesh