Buy 2 or more items from my store and get free packet of seeds.

Chives are small perennial herbs growing in clumps, probably originated in Siberian highlands. The herb grows best in full sun and a well-drained soil. Its saplings can be grown from seed or divisions of 2 to 3 bulbs. Completely grown plant reaches about 8-12 inches in height.

Health benefits of Chives

-Chives are very low in calories; 100 g of fresh leaves provide just 30 calories. Nonetheless, they contain many noteworthy flavonoid anti-oxidants, plant fiber, minerals, and vitamins that have proven health benefits. -As in scallions, they too contain more plant-derived dietary fiber than fellow allium members such as onions,shallots, leeks...etc. 100 g fresh leaves provide 2.5 g or 7% of daily- recommended levels of fiber.-Just like in other allium members, chives too possess thio-sulfinites anti-oxidants. Thio-sufinites such as diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide and allyl propyl disulfide convert to allicin by enzymatic reaction when its leaves disrupted (crushing, cutting, etc.).

Laboratory studies show that allicin reduces cholesterol production by inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme in the liver cells. Further, it also found to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal activities.-Additionally, allicin also decreases blood vessel stiffness by releasing vasodilator compound, nitric oxide (NO); and, thereby, help reduce total blood pressure.

Also, it blocks platelet clot formation, besides having fibrinolytic (clot-removal) action in the blood vessels. All in all, allicin helps decrease overall risk of coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral vascular diseases (PVD), and stroke.

-Chives surprisingly comprise more vitamin A than any other allium family member vegetables.

100 g of fresh leaves contain 4353 IU of vitamin-A or 145% of daily recommended levels. In addition, its green leaves contain other flavonoid-phenolic antioxidants such as carotenes, zea-xanthin, and lutein. Together, these compounds offer human protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.-They also have some other essential vitamins such as vitamin C, and K, in fact; chives are one of the richest sources of vitamin K, comparatively more than that of in scallions. 100 g of fresh greens provide 212.7 µg or about 177% of daily recommended intake of this vitamin. Scientific studies suggest that vitamin K has a potential role in bone health by promoting osteotrophic (bone formation and strengthening) activity.

Adequate vitamin-K levels in the diet help limiting neuronal damage in the brain; thus, has established role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

-Fresh chives are rich sources of folates. 100 g leaves provide 105 µg or 26% of DRI of folates. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. Adequate folate levels in the diet during pregnancy may help prevent neural tube defects in the newborn babies.-Furthermore, the leaves are packed with other B-complex vitamins as well as some essential minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, zinc, and calcium. The leafy greens contain several vital vitamins such as pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin in healthy proportions.



SOWING:Direct seed (recommended): In spring, sow 1/4" deep as soon as the soil warms up. Place 4-6 seeds every 6" or 1-2 seeds per inch. Thin to 2-3 plants every 2-8". Keep free of weeds. Transplant: Start seeds in flats 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Sow several seeds per plug, thinning to 3-4 seedlings per plug. Transplant seedling clusters 2-8" apart in rows 18" apart.


SOIL REQUIREMENTS:A fairly rich soil that is high in humus.



HARVEST:Individual leaves may be harvested once the plants are established. Harvest leaves before flowering begins. Leaves can be harvested 3-4 times per year, cut at ground level. Leaves may be used fresh or dried. To dry, cut bundles into 1/4- 1/2" lengths. Spread one layer on a screen, allowing for air circulation. Place in a well-ventilated location out of direct sunlight. Stir periodically while drying.Note:Mature chive clumps should be divided every 3 to 4 years.

Will be shipped from Manhasset, New York. From a store called Flower Shop Inc.

Florist and greenhouse situated in Long Island, New York. Been in business for 19 years and counting.