The smallest mouse jiggler is here. 
Coming with two modes of work: 
1. Normal MOJI mode - moves your mouse cursor in a small variations, hardly noticeable by eye. 
2. Smart document reading mode - just open up a big document or a book and click on the text. The Moji will then start acting like a human and imitate a reading activity which can be hardly captured by an observer which tracks your activity. 

Have you ever got into the situation when you need to take 15 minutes off work and your manager starts ringing because your  status was away ? With the MOJI this is not a valid situation anymore. Use your time as you like. 
Go and have a small break or a nap and stay active on work during that time. 

Your screensaver will not toggle or your PC will not turn off. 
Compatible and tested under OS Windows/ Linux. 
Stay active / onnline in Skype for business, Slack, MS Teams and many other apps that track activity

Check more about the working modes on our website: