Schmeil's nautrwissenschaftliche Atlanten

"Die Pilze unserer Heimat. 1. Band: Blätterpilze (Agaricaceae)"

"Mushrooms of our homeland. 1. Volume: Agarics (Agaricaceae)"

"Eine Auswahl der verbreitetsten eßbaren, ungenießbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wälder und Fluren
in Wort und Bild von Eugen Gramberg. Nach der Natur gemalt von Kunst- maler Emil Doerstling"

"A selection of the most common edible, inedible and poisonous Mushrooms of our woods and meadows
in Word and picture by Eugen Gramberg. Painted after nature by art Painter Emil Doerstling"

Tafel 6

Velvet Roll-rim, or Velvet-footed Pax

Samtfuß-Krempling (Paxillus atrotomentosus)

This over 107 years old original antique chromolithograph is taken from the 1st edition of Gramberg's work
"Die Pilze unserer Heimat. 1. Band: Blätterpilze" (Mushrooms of our homeland. 1. Volume: Agarics)
published by "Quelle und Meyer" in Leipzig/Germany 1913.

Eugen Gramberg (1865 - 1945) was a German teacher and mushroom scientist.
He grew up in West Prussia and became a teacher. Since 1921 head of a girls' school, he was retired in 1930.

Emil Doerstling (1859 - 1940 ) was a German Painter.
From 1881 he studied at the Art Academy Königsberg (today Kaliningrad/Russia), went to
school and taughtfrom 1895 to 1901 as a drawing teacher at the Old Town Gymnasium there.

approx. 8.86'' x 6.50''/ 22,5 cm x 16,5 cm 

The condition of the plate is very good (light foxing spots, see scan),
and the colors are even more shiny, clear and brilliant on the strong creamy white paper.

On the back of the board is the description text of the following table.
That's why I also scanned the accompanying text:

All my prints are ORIGINAL ANTIQUES - each print is accompanied by a copy of the antique title:

I accept Pay Pal (Worldwide).

Shipping for this item - including packaging - is

$ 6.00 World Airmail & Europe
$ 4.00 Germany
I will combine shipments when you have bid on multiple items to save on postage.


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